Sunday, February 26, 2023

Week of February 19 - 25, 2023

Sunday was very nice. Church went well. All the kids in my primary class attended and it was a bit crazy but I did get the lesson given. I enjoyed choir practice while Grandma came out for Dad to fix one of her broken village pieces and look at the garden. 

We were able to attend the temple this week. I performed Initiatory Ordinances on Tuesday morning and Dad did an endowment session on Wednesday evening. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 3204 records and reviewed 3324 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family has been very very busy. Allison and I spoke via Marco Polo and she shared the things going on with them. Mike has progressed in interviews and has a very positive lead for a job. So excited for him! Allison continues to work as well as complete her classes toward her master's degree. She has been offered a contract to teach next year as well. Adam is currently looking for a new job. Things didn't work out at Valvoline. Grace is so looking forward to her Choir Trip to Hawaii. She has worked hard and saved money. School is hectic as always and she is doing great. This past weekend, she spent time with her dear friend Katelyn. Joshua is looking forward to soccer tryouts this week. He enjoys video games with friends when not in school. Sam is as sweet as ever. He has been struggling with a cold and pink eye that has kept him out of many activities including his school Valentine's party. Sam is always happy and I love getting to see him when Mom talks. On Monday, President's Day, the family took a fun bike ride adventure.

The Ethan Rice Family
Sunday, the whole family set out on a fun family vacation: a cruise! The left Sunday and headed to Florida. Long trip and the kids were glad to get to their hotel, eat some Italian food and play with their pokemon cards. 

I texted Kaylee a bit on Saturday. She said she enjoyed her time and her favorite foods were peach soup, a seafood pasta dish, and baked Alaska. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber, Kelsie and Kooper are doing well, though Doran spent his Saturday feeling poorly and Kooper had a minor mini-motorcycle accident. They have been offered jobs out of state and are pondering a Kentucky. 

Morgan had a very challenging week while trying to repair the throwout bearing on his car. Snow inhibits working on the car and we have had cold weather and lots of snow this year. He did finally get the transmission installed and is waiting for another paycheck this week to get new hoses ordered. 

Kayty's week ended better than it began. She had made a casual friend on the big deal just some texts back and forth. Well, it quickly turned from fun conversation to needing money on a credit card. She is good and she recognized the red flags but I was sad her heart was a bit hurt by someone she thought was a friend. Spring Training for baseball has begun and she enjoyed a game on Saturday. 

The Nathan Rice Family
The girls called me on Sunday and we had a good Sunday visit. Annie said the day was her best day ever! We also got to visit on Tuesday. They are doing well and loving home school. 

Dad's Garden
Dad;s tomatoes and basil are struggling with our continuing cooler weather. We are enjoying lettuce and he ate collard greens on a couple of occasions. We hope the garden survives the next week with near freezing temperatures. 

Other highlights
I went to visit Nano on Thursday. Had a good visit with Elizabeth. Fun thing: on the way there, I was right next to the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile

Mom doesn't know me and is in good health but declining. I keep her meds ordered and her fees paid and I hope Elizabeth can keep up for as long as mom lives. 

Dad had a very busy week at work and will travel to Ohio the week after next. 

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