Now, it's the first I play to start the decorating...and the last to play when everything is down. I put it on, took down the Christmas Clock and put it in my bedroom, returned the lamp from my bedroom to the re-located end table in the living room. And with that, Christmas if officially put away. Lots of fun, lots of memories. Hours of shopping and wrapping. Great memories...but great to have everything back where it goes.
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
1 day ago
1 comment:
Fortunately for my is a long album. I was scrubbing the bathroom, went to open the shower curtain...yep, six seashell angels (sounds like it should be part of a Christmas Carol, right?) They were taken down and put in the "bag" in the entry closet for things I discover later: ornaments, puffy penguin door hangers, Fisher Price nativities hidden under the red, white and blue tree... (That bag is pretty darned full this year!)
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