Today, I returned to the workforce. It was merely an orientation, after months of studying and testing...but I filled out a time card. I will be paid. After 30 years of being a mommy, I am now an income tax preparer as well. We have needed some extra income...Hubby works in a job that will be outsourced, sooner or later. He has not had a raise in years. At least he has had no furlough weeks in months...for that we are so grateful. But living in a world with increasing prices and no increasing income was difficult, at best. We have made it, thanks to great blessings, storing food that we find on sale, and being willing to do without new furniture, dinners out, movies, vacations, and vehicles with fewer than 200,000 miles on them. I am so thankful that I had this chance to take some classes and learn a of my goals last year was to take a class to improve my marketability in the workforce...I had been trying for a long time to get a job, but my resume was not very interesting to those in the position of selecting interviewees... I won't say it was fun...8 hours of sitting and listening. And, I sure hope they were sharing the income tax horror stories, rather than what happens every day! Anyway, if I work hard, and work it right, I will still be able to keep up on my duties here that I love, as well as help our family for the next four months. Hopefully, there will be a slowdown around the middle of February so we can take a quick trip to Vegas and see a little bumblebee in her first dance recital!
Goal setting has been good for me! I did read the Book of MOrmon over 7 times last year. I watched my weight and continued to exercise. I read most of the Chronicles of Narnia...and I will finish this year. I did accomplish at least one thing in every area I had chosen. And I will continue. New things...
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