Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Rest of the Birthday...

When you are my age, you WANT your birthday celebration to be brief, if not non-existent (except when I am with my grandbabies. Then, I want it to never end: not the birthday part, but being with those sweet ones!)However, when you are young...or 18 to be exact...they never end. He spent the day with Jessica,

was visited by Doran and Danyel, with a cute handmade card and gift,
quickly lit candles, blew them out, ate a piece of cake, and then went to dinner with Jessica.

 Also learned that when you do not take in sufficient air, 18 candles are difficult to blow out. No matter...he used his HANDS! He is now an adult and can learn the "joys" of emergency room co-pays if the burns are too bad!

Oops...forgot that he did open a gift from Dad and Mom...tools...

The next day, it was fun all day...

Middle school reunion (last minute, Facebook Notice kinda thing)...shopping with Jessica (downtown Glendale shops...(cute little antique stores, etc.)...now if I would have asked him to go there, he would have kicked and screamed!...and to Cabela's (big animals, lots of guns)...off to Ethan and Cam's in the evening (with 3 pieces of cake in hand for those two, and Morgan) for fun and lots of games. Sunday was church-no drama there...what is it about young men leaders at church. Those boys never get their birthday even remembered once they leave the children's Primary organization??? Monday was additional celebrating: picnic and Lava Monster park tour, getting tossed in our pool, and then luring Jessica do so the same by telling her is was warm (that poor girl...NEVER trust a speaking Rice boy!), pizza oven dinner, movie...

Alas, no pics...18 year old guys don't like pictures any more than 17 yr olds...or 4 yr. olds!! Thanks are in order to all his friends who made this day very special!

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