Mom spoke in church on Easter Sunday. She also sang in the choir. The meeting was very spiritual and inspirational, and I loved the songs that the choir sang!
Dad and Mom attended the Wednesday night session at the Phoenix Temple.
I completed reading the Book of Mormon on Thursday, April 20. I am now in 1 Nephi 4 in my next time through this great book. I am so thankful for the blessing of having the Book of Mormon to guide me, to give me peace.
I have indexed 12080 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Sam and Grace called and talked to me via FaceTime on Sunday. I loved talking to Sam. He was eating a Peep and talked about nursery and smiling as cute as can be. I also talked to Grace. She has the cutest new haircut! She showed me some of her candy and recited to me some of the Gettysburg Address that she is memorizing. She did a great job! I saw Josh's head briefly. They had a great day on Easter! Mike, Allison, and Adam spoke in church, the Easter Bunny came, and they had the missionaries over to share their dinner. Mike grilled chicken and they had brussels sprouts and carrot cake for their dinner.
Grace helped Dad work on the car in preparation for the boys' Father Son Campout
Mom and Grace had an awesome ladies' night home. Cafe Rio, Painting Toenails, a movie and just absolute fun.

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cameo, Kaylee and Wade had a wonderful Easter. They attended church, and their dinner was lobster, mussels, ham, mashed potatoes, cabbage salad, and carrot cake.

Mom spoke in church on Easter Sunday. She also sang in the choir. The meeting was very spiritual and inspirational, and I loved the songs that the choir sang!
Dad and Mom attended the Wednesday night session at the Phoenix Temple.
I completed reading the Book of Mormon on Thursday, April 20. I am now in 1 Nephi 4 in my next time through this great book. I am so thankful for the blessing of having the Book of Mormon to guide me, to give me peace.
I have indexed 12080 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Sam and Grace called and talked to me via FaceTime on Sunday. I loved talking to Sam. He was eating a Peep and talked about nursery and smiling as cute as can be. I also talked to Grace. She has the cutest new haircut! She showed me some of her candy and recited to me some of the Gettysburg Address that she is memorizing. She did a great job! I saw Josh's head briefly. They had a great day on Easter! Mike, Allison, and Adam spoke in church, the Easter Bunny came, and they had the missionaries over to share their dinner. Mike grilled chicken and they had brussels sprouts and carrot cake for their dinner.
Grace helped Dad work on the car in preparation for the boys' Father Son Campout

Mom and Grace had an awesome ladies' night home. Cafe Rio, Painting Toenails, a movie and just absolute fun.

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cameo, Kaylee and Wade had a wonderful Easter. They attended church, and their dinner was lobster, mussels, ham, mashed potatoes, cabbage salad, and carrot cake.

Pics from their ward Easter Activity

And from Easter in Georgia

On Wednesday, this family headed to South Carolina to celebrate their 11th anniversary. Happy Anniversary, Ethan and Cameo! The rented a condo and enjoyed a brand new state for Cameo, Kaylee and Wade, the Atlantic Ocean for Cameo, Kaylee and Wade, and swimming in a pool for Wade. Kaylee loved boogie boarding in the Atlantic Ocean!

They went to an Aquarium on Saturday. Kaylee said she saw rattlesnakes! I swear those doggone snakes are everywhere!!
Kaylee sent some "sweet" pics later...
The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber and Family had a good week, though Friday night was rough! One of their rescues, who had all his vaccinations, was diagnosed with Parvo. This would be a tragedy for those puppies so near being old enough to find a new home. Bleach and a workforce came to help disinfect indoors and outdoors.
The Morgan Rice Family
No news from Morgan this week
On Easter, Kayty attended church in her ward. We ate leftovers for dinner and later, she went to Cookie Night at another single adult's house. She had a good work week. She was able to answer problem phone calls on Monday while one co-worker had the day off. She handled it well when the caller blamed the next door neighbor for somehow luring a swarm of bees onto his property.She is learning much every day, and has firmly decided she will NEVER own a rental property. Saturday was sleeping and rearranging her room
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica and Annalee had Easter Dinner with her family after attending church in the Sun City Ward on Sunday. They really enjoyed the ward!Jessica started a college class on Monday and Nate started his internship job on Tuesday.They made it through a long week, with finding it needful to stay with Jessica's parents on days she needs to work. Annalee came and played a couple of times this week, and we enjoyed Friday night visit while Jess visited a friend with a walk and fun at home.
Nathan spent hours outside working on their vehicles Saturday. He fixed the sliding door, replaced the front passenger window in the other, and made them happy with new oil. The family also swam for a bit. Now, the Idaho folk were brave enough to get into the pool. Not the Phoenicians!
Monday was very frustrating for Dad and he was ready to quit when his 14 hour day was complete. Tuesday seemed to go a bit better and he was making plans for a driving trip to Utah for next week beginning Saturday. He made it through his Thursday presentation, even with the whole "deliverable" being changed two hours before the meeting. He left by 7 am Saturday after picking up the rental car on Friday and headed to Ogden Utah. This trip has an unsure nature to it. If the supplier works with him, and lets him in the plant, he will be able to accomplish his assignment. If they only give him one hour, problems will not be solved and he will be done and heading back toward other Utah suppliers and then home.He did have a safe and enjoyable trip up. He stopped at a rock shop near Kanab, saw the Payson Utah temple, delivered some clothing to someone in Provo, and met Sharynn, Rollin and family at a Mongolian Barbeque to share dinner.
My work week included the typical Monday Wednesday Friday dusting, vacuuming, mopping, the Tuesday/Thursday bathroom scrubbing and house vacuum, laundry every day, preparing three meals every day, seed harvesting, weed pulling, yard picking up, grocery shopping, etc. I also painted a few scuffs on the door to the sewing/laundry room.
Dad's Garden
Tomatoes are great and he picked some peppers
and he picked these monster beets on Friday
Year of the House Part 2
Work in the bathroom still trudges on. When you see these remodeling shows and witness the problems they have with older homes, you understand what we encounter. Wall studs are twisted and we could not figure out for the life of us what was happening on the back wall. He could not get things plumb/straight/flat. Bondo, planing...nothing worked. He called Wade Wallin and asked for advice and he will look at it next week and tell Dad what's going on.
Other highlights
Awesome, cool morning jogs continue. So thankful!
Happy 60th Birthday, Dad!
We are going to officially celebrate with a family pizza night in May, but I did have a pineapple pie baked
Made his favorite seafood chowder
He received birthday greetings on Facebook via Allison and Ethan, Doran called later in the evening, even with their puppy troubles, and Nate and Jess brought him racks for his Weber Grills
and this
He had Chinese Lunch with his mom, swam
and enjoyed the happiness from family and friends far away on the computer. One of the only GOOD things on Facebook.
Not so highlights
Dental Work. Mine was miserable. Novocaine shot sights were many, I did feel some of the work he was doing, though I could not feel all of my ear and part of my neck. I had to determine if feeling what he was doing was worse than recovering from another shot. I found myself all tense, with hands clinging to the arm handles and my back actually arched in the chair every time there was a rinse break. It is no wonder it took till Friday for my jaw to be able to open without pain. Dad's went much better, however.
Silly gripe, but with cold weather elsewhere comes no salad from Smart and Final. I expressed sorrow and woe over my having to cut my own heads of iceberg lettuce to our favorite cashier. I pulled together my pioneer spirit and did it on Saturday. So proud of myself!
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