Sunday started with me attending choir practice and dad going over his talk before church. His talk went well and we so enjoyed having Nate, Jess and Annalee at church with us. Grandma also came to hear dad's talk.
Dad attended his regular Wednesday 7:30 pm temple session and enjoyed his time there.
Cub Scouts went well and we were able to complete the adventure we were working on, even with the missed meeting last week. We talked about pioneers and why they came across the plains and religious freedom. She even made Johnny Cake for them to taste.
I was given a talk assignment for Easter Sunday which I worked on all week. Not a fan of speaking in church. I got it completed and practiced. Thus, my Conference Talk reading was halted for a few days.
In the Book of Mormon, I am in Ether 2 in my reading.
I have indexed 11327 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
It was Spring Break at the Wilkins House this week and they had a great time. Mom prepared envelopes full of adventure/fun rewards after daily chores were completed.

The Ethan Rice Family
It was a good week for this family, though Wade caught his first cold.

Kaylee had a special visitor at preschool.

The family had a Ward Party and Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday. We sure missed her carrot cake!
Sunday started with me attending choir practice and dad going over his talk before church. His talk went well and we so enjoyed having Nate, Jess and Annalee at church with us. Grandma also came to hear dad's talk.
Dad attended his regular Wednesday 7:30 pm temple session and enjoyed his time there.
Cub Scouts went well and we were able to complete the adventure we were working on, even with the missed meeting last week. We talked about pioneers and why they came across the plains and religious freedom. She even made Johnny Cake for them to taste.
I was given a talk assignment for Easter Sunday which I worked on all week. Not a fan of speaking in church. I got it completed and practiced. Thus, my Conference Talk reading was halted for a few days.
In the Book of Mormon, I am in Ether 2 in my reading.
I have indexed 11327 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
It was Spring Break at the Wilkins House this week and they had a great time. Mom prepared envelopes full of adventure/fun rewards after daily chores were completed.

The Ethan Rice Family
It was a good week for this family, though Wade caught his first cold.

Kaylee had a special visitor at preschool.

The family had a Ward Party and Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday. We sure missed her carrot cake!
The Doran Rice Family
Busy and challenging week for this family. Doran worked out of town in Thatcher for three days, and Amber struggled with a killer virus.
The Morgan Rice Family
Morgan worked a lot this week. He had to miss the family party for Easter and we missed he and Christy.
Kayty had a good work week. She is learning a lot and likes the people she works with. She dyed Easter eggs with Annalee on Saturday night.

And screamed at the television watching Harry Styles on Saturday Night Live

The Nathan Rice Family
This family came to church with us on Sunday, and then to our house for dinner afterwards.
Nathan did preliminary medical testing before starting his internship next week. He came and helped dad a ton...welding this...
It was nice having them in town for awhile. I love playing with grandkids!
Nate and Jess are not staying where they can dye eggs, so Annalee dyed them at our house...
Typical work week for both Dad and I. Dad did get to substitute teach on Friday, which makes all the long hours and rough stuff he does for Honeywell that much easier to face the next week.
Dad's Garden
Tomatoes doing well.
Year of the House Part 2
On Monday, dad installed the pipe that will end up in the new wall.
Nate came over on Saturday night to help him hang some drywall, but one of our 33 year old wall studs was twisted and the drywall would not hang properly, so dad will have to sand it down before drywall can be hung.
Current Events
I realized that sometimes momentous things happen in our world and, since this blog becomes a book, I should include things here.
So, last week, Judge Neil M. Gorsuch was confirmed by the Senate on Friday to become the 113th justice of the Supreme Court.
Other highlights
Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma Dorrie's Saturday, April 15, 2017
Typical work week for both Dad and I. Dad did get to substitute teach on Friday, which makes all the long hours and rough stuff he does for Honeywell that much easier to face the next week.
Dad's Garden
Tomatoes doing well.
Year of the House Part 2
On Monday, dad installed the pipe that will end up in the new wall.
Nate came over on Saturday night to help him hang some drywall, but one of our 33 year old wall studs was twisted and the drywall would not hang properly, so dad will have to sand it down before drywall can be hung.
Current Events
I realized that sometimes momentous things happen in our world and, since this blog becomes a book, I should include things here.
So, last week, Judge Neil M. Gorsuch was confirmed by the Senate on Friday to become the 113th justice of the Supreme Court.
Other highlights
Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma Dorrie's Saturday, April 15, 2017
Not so highlights
I had a dental checkup and cleaning appointment. I had no worries, since I have brushed and flossed every single day for the last year. No worries.
Not so fast...small decay under two crowns = two NEW crowns = NO FUN! I will be at the dentist Monday for this and Dad will be there Thursday for a crown with decay underneath.
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