Sunday was another great day full of General Conference Talks. We were blessed to be able to hear from our prophet, Thomas S. Monson, and he announced that five new temples will be built. It sure brings back memories of the feeling of gratitude and surprise when we heard a temple would be built in Phoenix. I began studying talks from the Women's Broadcast on Monday.
Our stake has been in existence since November...and we are now experiencing what IS a new stake. On Tuesday, I received a message that, due to Camp Kickoff the next day, we would either need to hold cub scouts outdoors or earlier. I talked back and forth to my co-leader...and we finally decided that we would need to cancel scouts. Too bad. Someone didn't reserve enough time on the stake calendar and then wanted us OUT of the building. Not gonna work with our boys. Then, the next morning, I got an email from our choir director reminding of practice for Easter this Sunday (I am skipping my Cub Committee meeting for that, since it's the final practice for Easter music and I have only seen and sung the music once) and then right after church our ward and another ward are the stake conference choir and we will have ONE practice for that, which is the week after Easter. Not sure if I am going to participate in that one. I know these last minute things will get better, but it's rather frustrating at times. We are going to need to cram two weeks of scouts into one.
Dad was asked to give a talk Sunday, on Tuesday morning. He spent hours and hours working on it, then editing and reprinting. I think he is on Rev g now.
Dad enjoyed a great Wednesday evening temple session.
I am in 3 Nephi 16 in my Book of Mormon reading.
I read the entire April Ensign Magazine this week.
I have indexed 10560 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family spent General Conference weekend listing and working on this...

What a perfect idea!
Mike found this one for them to do next

Allison shared the following:
"Every afternoon, he goes to the bathroom, we read 2 books, we play "peek-a-boo" and I turn off the light. Then, he shouts at the top of his lungs, "I NOT sleeping today!" for 3 minutes and then he's out. He makes me smile. A lot."

The Ethan Rice Family
We enjoyed the pics from this family's fun day...
We FaceTime chatted with them and Ethan and Cam invited Dad out to Atlanta for Wade's Blessing. He is so very happy.
Kaylee and I spent time "eating" strawberries on her back porch and watching squirrels running up the trees behind their house, playing "hide and seek" and "musical chairs" and blowing kisses at the moon in the sky to each other. (It is just amazing to me that we can look at the same moon and be so far apart!)
Monday, Wade had his four month check up and shots. He is doing well. Their weather was a very new experience and Cameo was getting tornado warnings during that day and the next. They spent some time in their basement. Windy days followed but all seem to be well or on the mend from colds and headaches.
Sunday was another great day full of General Conference Talks. We were blessed to be able to hear from our prophet, Thomas S. Monson, and he announced that five new temples will be built. It sure brings back memories of the feeling of gratitude and surprise when we heard a temple would be built in Phoenix. I began studying talks from the Women's Broadcast on Monday.
Our stake has been in existence since November...and we are now experiencing what IS a new stake. On Tuesday, I received a message that, due to Camp Kickoff the next day, we would either need to hold cub scouts outdoors or earlier. I talked back and forth to my co-leader...and we finally decided that we would need to cancel scouts. Too bad. Someone didn't reserve enough time on the stake calendar and then wanted us OUT of the building. Not gonna work with our boys. Then, the next morning, I got an email from our choir director reminding of practice for Easter this Sunday (I am skipping my Cub Committee meeting for that, since it's the final practice for Easter music and I have only seen and sung the music once) and then right after church our ward and another ward are the stake conference choir and we will have ONE practice for that, which is the week after Easter. Not sure if I am going to participate in that one. I know these last minute things will get better, but it's rather frustrating at times. We are going to need to cram two weeks of scouts into one.
Dad was asked to give a talk Sunday, on Tuesday morning. He spent hours and hours working on it, then editing and reprinting. I think he is on Rev g now.
Dad enjoyed a great Wednesday evening temple session.
I am in 3 Nephi 16 in my Book of Mormon reading.
I read the entire April Ensign Magazine this week.
I have indexed 10560 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family spent General Conference weekend listing and working on this...

What a perfect idea!
Mike found this one for them to do next

Allison shared the following:
"Every afternoon, he goes to the bathroom, we read 2 books, we play "peek-a-boo" and I turn off the light. Then, he shouts at the top of his lungs, "I NOT sleeping today!" for 3 minutes and then he's out. He makes me smile. A lot."

The Ethan Rice Family
We enjoyed the pics from this family's fun day...
We FaceTime chatted with them and Ethan and Cam invited Dad out to Atlanta for Wade's Blessing. He is so very happy.
Kaylee and I spent time "eating" strawberries on her back porch and watching squirrels running up the trees behind their house, playing "hide and seek" and "musical chairs" and blowing kisses at the moon in the sky to each other. (It is just amazing to me that we can look at the same moon and be so far apart!)
Monday, Wade had his four month check up and shots. He is doing well. Their weather was a very new experience and Cameo was getting tornado warnings during that day and the next. They spent some time in their basement. Windy days followed but all seem to be well or on the mend from colds and headaches.
The Doran Rice Family
Our favorite missionary, Elder Webb, is now serving in Doran and Amber's ward. They are truly blessed! All is well and very busy for this family.
The Morgan Rice Family
Another busy week for these two.
Kayty had a good week at work, though her first paycheck was a shocker. She will work next week on signing up for health insurance via Obamacare, and then decide if this job will work of whether she needs to seek out more benefits.
The Nathan Rice Family
We talked to Nathan a bit on Sunday night. He got everything moved from one smaller storage unit to a bigger one on Friday, spent hours studying and competing projects on Saturday, and was ready for more on Monday.
Annalee has been struggling with a bad cold and they ended up needing to take her to the Emergency Room with croup on Sunday Night/Monday morning.She slept well Monday night and was raring to go the rest of the week. They spent hours packing, hauling and a few hours studying. The headed out Friday evening and spent the night in Nephi, Utah, and made the rest of the journey Saturday. Nathan ended up with all As except for one B. It will be up to the school to determine if scholarship will be available for his next semester in the Fall. He did his best and that's all one can do. They arrived late Saturday night and stayed for a few minutes...
Dad's emails were going off before he even woke up on Monday, and the day was full of reporting and busy times. Sadly, another leader quit. His name was Terry Carr and he was in management. He gave high compliments in his letter of resignation, but others shared that he was just plain tired of his email requests going unresponded to. The head of engineering is a real...booger!!!Dad has had many problems with him over the years. Well, this man just had it! It happens about once every 10 days now...someone quits. He took a vacation day and substitute taught at Valley Academy...a charter school near Honeywell Deer Valley. What an amazing difference in the kids and in the education! He really enjoyed the work...and he did teach! They have substitutes teach so kids don't fall behind, and the teacher emailed her lesson plan ahead of time so he would know what to do.
My week was filled with typical dusting, laundry, vacuuming, weed pulling, spreadsheet updating, bill paying, trash hauling, pulling weeds by the pool, cleaning off shelves, painting, replacing stuff on shelves,getting rid of stuff I no longer need, hauling stuff to Deseret Industries, more laundry, more weeds, and cleaning some more.
Dad's Garden
Snow pea seeds are being harvested, as are cilantro seeds. He has many tomatoes on his plants and we are hoping they will grow to large fruit!
Year of the House Part 2
I completed painting the sewing/laundry room. I do have to have dad paint the pantry door, but that is an air compressor job and it can be done in the future. We found the slab of marble I had preferred and we ordered the basin to go in the countertop. Parts are purchased to begin the plumbing work.
Other highlights
I got to run by the temple Saturday morning since Kayty took her insulin late/or early, depending on how you see it. I was up for the day, and she was falling asleep.
Missionaries wanted collard greens and so they came for dinner on Saturday for ham and beans, collard greens and corn bread. My beans actually cooked!!! Miracle!
Our favorite missionary, Elder Webb, is now serving in Doran and Amber's ward. They are truly blessed! All is well and very busy for this family.
The Morgan Rice Family
Another busy week for these two.
Kayty had a good week at work, though her first paycheck was a shocker. She will work next week on signing up for health insurance via Obamacare, and then decide if this job will work of whether she needs to seek out more benefits.
The Nathan Rice Family
We talked to Nathan a bit on Sunday night. He got everything moved from one smaller storage unit to a bigger one on Friday, spent hours studying and competing projects on Saturday, and was ready for more on Monday.
Annalee has been struggling with a bad cold and they ended up needing to take her to the Emergency Room with croup on Sunday Night/Monday morning.She slept well Monday night and was raring to go the rest of the week. They spent hours packing, hauling and a few hours studying. The headed out Friday evening and spent the night in Nephi, Utah, and made the rest of the journey Saturday. Nathan ended up with all As except for one B. It will be up to the school to determine if scholarship will be available for his next semester in the Fall. He did his best and that's all one can do. They arrived late Saturday night and stayed for a few minutes...
Dad's emails were going off before he even woke up on Monday, and the day was full of reporting and busy times. Sadly, another leader quit. His name was Terry Carr and he was in management. He gave high compliments in his letter of resignation, but others shared that he was just plain tired of his email requests going unresponded to. The head of engineering is a real...booger!!!Dad has had many problems with him over the years. Well, this man just had it! It happens about once every 10 days now...someone quits. He took a vacation day and substitute taught at Valley Academy...a charter school near Honeywell Deer Valley. What an amazing difference in the kids and in the education! He really enjoyed the work...and he did teach! They have substitutes teach so kids don't fall behind, and the teacher emailed her lesson plan ahead of time so he would know what to do.
My week was filled with typical dusting, laundry, vacuuming, weed pulling, spreadsheet updating, bill paying, trash hauling, pulling weeds by the pool, cleaning off shelves, painting, replacing stuff on shelves,getting rid of stuff I no longer need, hauling stuff to Deseret Industries, more laundry, more weeds, and cleaning some more.
Dad's Garden
Snow pea seeds are being harvested, as are cilantro seeds. He has many tomatoes on his plants and we are hoping they will grow to large fruit!
Year of the House Part 2
I completed painting the sewing/laundry room. I do have to have dad paint the pantry door, but that is an air compressor job and it can be done in the future. We found the slab of marble I had preferred and we ordered the basin to go in the countertop. Parts are purchased to begin the plumbing work.
Other highlights
I got to run by the temple Saturday morning since Kayty took her insulin late/or early, depending on how you see it. I was up for the day, and she was falling asleep.
Missionaries wanted collard greens and so they came for dinner on Saturday for ham and beans, collard greens and corn bread. My beans actually cooked!!! Miracle!
Not so highlights
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