I completed my visiting teaching for the month by sending a card to the sister who lost her husband and who hasn't returned to Phoenix since his death. I also visited Yvonne and we had a great visit.
We enjoyed a wonderful session at the temple together on Wednesday evening. Our home teacher came for a visit right before and that was great too.
Cub Scouts was our annual pinewood derby. It went very fast...all over in an hour! We have a new track with three lanes and the boys had a great time!
We watched the morning and afternoon sessions of General Conference on Saturday, and Dad attended Priesthood session right near home at our stake center (a mile away) Saturday evening since Morgan was working and Doran was not able to meet this time. I was especially interested in the talk given in the morning by Russell M. Nelson and that will be one I surely will print and study. I am already going to put his words to practice and begin reading all the scriptures in the topical guide under the heading Jesus Christ.
I am in Helaman 11 in the Book of Mormon.
I have indexed 9712 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
This family had another busy week. Poor Sam fell into the bunk bed (I remember Ethan did that once when I was pregnant with Doran and dad was at a dance, so Sharynn came to the ER with me for his stitches) and got a pretty nasty cut...but Allison was ever calm and cool and took care of it all herself.
The Ethan Rice Family
This family was back together and the kids looked very happy about it all!

Cameo took the kids to a park on Tuesday to enjoy the beautiful Spring weather

This came on Friday
Cameo shared this on Facebook
I completed my visiting teaching for the month by sending a card to the sister who lost her husband and who hasn't returned to Phoenix since his death. I also visited Yvonne and we had a great visit.
We enjoyed a wonderful session at the temple together on Wednesday evening. Our home teacher came for a visit right before and that was great too.
Cub Scouts was our annual pinewood derby. It went very fast...all over in an hour! We have a new track with three lanes and the boys had a great time!
We watched the morning and afternoon sessions of General Conference on Saturday, and Dad attended Priesthood session right near home at our stake center (a mile away) Saturday evening since Morgan was working and Doran was not able to meet this time. I was especially interested in the talk given in the morning by Russell M. Nelson and that will be one I surely will print and study. I am already going to put his words to practice and begin reading all the scriptures in the topical guide under the heading Jesus Christ.
I am in Helaman 11 in the Book of Mormon.
I have indexed 9712 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
This family had another busy week. Poor Sam fell into the bunk bed (I remember Ethan did that once when I was pregnant with Doran and dad was at a dance, so Sharynn came to the ER with me for his stitches) and got a pretty nasty cut...but Allison was ever calm and cool and took care of it all herself.
The Ethan Rice Family
This family was back together and the kids looked very happy about it all!

Cameo took the kids to a park on Tuesday to enjoy the beautiful Spring weather

This came on Friday
Kaylee was so happy and so excited when she heard Daddy was coming home.
She picked a good hiding spot for hide and go seek and stayed in it and
waited. Ethan made a pit stop to HD
store and didn't tell us. K was hiding what seemed like forever. I went
in the pantry to check on her and I found her asleep on the floor under
the shelf.

And Cameo sweetly shared this on Friday night...
"I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home..."The Doran Rice Family
This was a busy week for this family with work and school. Plus, Kooper also fell and got a nasty cut on his head on Tuesday.
The Morgan Rice Family
Morgan and Christy are well and will be in attendance at Grandma's Easter Egg Hunt
Kayty had a good work week. She likes the work though is concerned since she can't find health insurance that she can pay for. She might have to quit and find another position, but they are training her to fill in for someone who will be out on maternity leave soon, and that makes it more of a need to find a solution now. She took her car in for an oil change on Saturday and ended up getting a new battery as well. It was good that it was still under warranty.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica were blessed to find and purchase a vehicle Monday after school...a Honda Odyssey. They now will have enough when both are here for a few months working internships. He is busy completing assignments and projects, packing away what they don't need here while their apartment is sublet, and studying for finals next week.
It is redundant to repeat dad's work weeks. Many new programs, many spreadsheets and reports, many meetings, many updates and changes. He was sent a letter to send to three of his delinquent suppliers. It informed them of fines for shipping bad parts, and they were furious with him, and let him know via calls and emails. Now, the wording of this said letter implied it was from Doran, but logic would indicate that HE is not initiating a fine, nor will benefit from it. Another circumstance of Corporate Heads defining work. I find this so much. Now, this is not an illegal nor an immoral circumstance that led Dad to send this letter, but I find over and over that Ownership defines direction and often the lower level employees are forced to do things that they would not otherwise do, and say things they would not otherwise say. I find this especially in our local television news, where anchors have facebook posts indicating their personal feelings on an issue, but when you watch and see their report, they read as dictated by ownership of their parent company. It just gives us reason and need to be critical thinkers and question what we actually hear and read.
My work week was full: cleaning, laundry, vacuuming, scrubbing toilets, dusting, hauling trash, pulling weeds, grocery shopping, fighting Costco by shopping during lunchtime, going to the post office, Home Depot for more paint, completing more painting in the sewing room
making new labels for boxes on shelf and getting rid of things I no longer use, picking peas, stringing peas, finding ways to eat tons of peas and turnips, working on Cub Scout stuff on the computer, and cleaning some more.
Dad's Garden
The heat did it's number on the snow peas two weeks ago. I harvested twice this week, and then let them go to seed.
The tomatoes are looking beautiful and hopefully we will have a good crop. We have leaves on the grape vines, but seemed to have lost two...wood is all dead! So, we are going to dig up and replant.
Year of the House Part 2
Searching for stone, picking up tiles that we ordered, removing some of the drywall and planning on pipe relocation filled dad's spare hours this week. Since he works over 12 hours a day, the time off is rare and many duties are calling for attention. We will get this done...it will just take awhile.
Other highlights
The missionaries came by on Monday night and enjoyed some of Dad's Chinese food.
On Wednesday, I had to haul trash down the road plus jog, and ended up with 10,000 steps on my FitBit before 5:30 am!
Dad is working on his Wok Table this week.
I got some London Broil on sale last week and Dad made some pretty amazing beef jerky
Not so highlights
I was jogging on Saturday morning...and heard one loud bang and then a crash...a car accident.
I continued jogging and checked at my next encounter with Happy Valley Road...at 55th Ave. I saw some parking lights on the north side and assumed it was the said vehicle. I continued on my route until I noticed at 53rd the ambulance arriving. I took the above pic but felt I needed to get home. I don't stay away from Kayty too long. I was indexing at home and was concerned I never heard the ambulance leave. We left for yard sales at 7 and when we drove by, I saw the street blocked off in all directions, indicating a fatality. Dad took me up near and I walked to the detectives and one recorded my statement and asked me questions. The street was closed for hours as they investigate. I was so sad. Someone lost their son, daughter, husband, wife, mother, father. It is especially close to my heart since my friend and visiting teaching sister, Linda, had just gone through this a few weeks ago. I just hope the first bang was not someone hitting and then leaving the scene.
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