Sunday, May 19, 2019

Week of May 12 - 18, 2019


We had a nice Sacrament Meeting, with talks full of praise of perfect mothers, which I was/am not. Typical Mother's day Sunday stuff. Dad only got to teach a small portion of his lesson, so he was very disappointed.

His scout meeting was canceled but mine went on as planned. It was a rough night (the three boys from my ward are nuts!) but we accomplished all we set out to do.

The Phoenix Temple is on two weeks cleaning shut down so we did not attend.

I read the Book of Mormon each day and listened to a General Conference talk each morning.

I have indexed 9966 records and reviewed 20,025 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins family had a very busy week. Grace auditioned for the school talent show on Monday and made it. Congratulations!! Sam enjoyed his final Daddy Day Off Lunch outing

Allison enjoyed Adam being home from school

The Ethan Rice Family
Last week, Cameo and Kaylee enjoyed special Mother-Daughter times together.
First, at the Moms and Muffins event

and they spoiled Cameo on Mothers Day

The Doran Rice Family
Busy week with work, end of school, and preparing their home to go up for sale. They did get to spend Mother's Day at the design center, selecting things for their new home.

This family is good, and having a busy week.

Kayty had a good week at work.

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica had a busy week,

signing papers, getting utilities started up, and they welcomed a new nephew. Jessica's brother, Josh, and his wife had a baby boy on Tuesday afternoon.

Wednesday night was their final walk through at their new home, and they completed the sale on Thursday. That night, they did some cleaning and met some of their new neighbors. They were blessed that the seller left his washer and drying, including pedestals, as well as other things.
 Friday, move in began as they scrubbed bathrooms and cleaned carpets. Friday was also their fifth wedding anniversary...Happy Anniversary! The girls came here for a P party (pizza, pickles, popcorn picnic on Pony plates) while Mom and Dad went out to dinner
They love their new home! The back yard is great for the girls: plenty of places to run and play and even ride their riding toys. They got a little pool for them on Saturday so the girls could have fun while they cleaned.

Dad's Garden
Tomatoes are slowly being picked and enjoyed. 

Other highlights
Mother's Day truly exemplified the life of a Mother. I was up all night checking on Kayty since she had gone low twice in the days prior. We had a crazy ant infestation on Saturday night and had poor little granddaughters nursing ant bites and dad and I took a late night WalMart run for AMDRO ant killer. I ended up sweeping the kitchen full of ants at 3 am, taking out the trash that might attract ants at 4:30 am and at 7 am, hauling out rugs in the entry, cleaning up cat barf in the living room that was attracting more ants, and putting AMDRO wherever I could find it. It was nice to talk to Doran and Amber as they headed to their appointment at the Design Center for their new home. Nathan, Jessica, and the girls gave me a new vase full of beautiful tulips

 and surprised us at church, and Anna was able to sing with the Primary for Mother's Day. She did a wonderful job! I left after Sacrament to come home and vacuum up ants, and Kayty stayed home and helped me...under chairs, under the table, under rugs, along baseboards. I also scrubbed the kitchen floor to get any residue from sugar off. Then I vacuumed every little bit the rest of the day to get any ants coming in the front door. I spoke with Ethan, Cameo, Kaylee, and Wade via FaceTime in the late afternoon to thank them for the gift they sent...

and received via Marco Polo a beautiful message from Allison, Adam, Grace, and Sam. (Josh was asleep and Mike was grilling). I got to index a little, and read. Dad and I sat out in the back yard and tried to make decisions on altering the back lawn (we are thinking about making it a bit smaller.) 

My jogging attire included a hoodie on Friday morning. Wow!!!

Nano adventures this week included a trip to her Primary care physician. On Thursday, I went to see Dail Meikle to see what I could do to safely manage her finances. He had some valuable counsel to give me and I have a path to go to keep Mom and her assets safe. 

Not so highlights
Dad substituted at a school on Friday. He had taught the class before and they were great...then. This time, not so much!

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