Saturday, May 25, 2019

Week of May 19 - 25, 2019


Sunday was good. We had speakers from the Stake Leadership, including one member of the High Council. The talks were very good, about seeking and finding peace in our lives as we strive daily to improve and listen to the Spirit for guidance in our lives. I agreed to substitute teach a primary class at the last minute, and Dad helped me.

Choir practice went well.

Phoenix Temple remains on two week shut down.

I had no scout meeting, but did attend a final planning meeting for Cub Camp. Dad invited Nathan to come to his scout troop meeting and introduce 3D printing.

I continue listening to a conference talk and reading my Book of Mormon every day.

I have indexed 10,441 records and reviewed 21, 145 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
School is out for this wonderful family! On Friday, Allison shared the following:

"It's the last day of school for these two, and they had their award ceremonies. Josh got an award for Service, 4th quarter Principal's Pride (all As), a medal for getting Honor Roll every quarter this year, 2 awards from his teacher for being a big help in class, and a basketball from his PE coach for being awesome in PE.
Grace received Honor Roll and a medal for getting Honor Roll all 4 quarters. They both had a fun week with field trips, field day and parties.
AND... Josh was only absent 18 days this year! And that's with his leg thing and head thing. It's still a lot, but it's so much better than in past years that it gives me hope that he is learning to deal with his anxiety.
SO thankful for their awesome school and the amazing teachers we were blessed with this year. Bring on 4th and 8th grade!"

She later shared:
"One of my darling friends from high school (who writes so beautifully) @nicoletay32 mentioned a bit ago in an IG post that it was often harder to recognize the lasts than the firsts.

And it's had me thinking ever since.

I have dragged little siblings to dozens of award ceremonies, poem recitals, project presentations and volunteer work over the past 11 years. I've packed diaper bags and rushed out of the room to keep them quiet and bounced them on me knee and force-fed them goldfish in hopes of being there for my bigs' special moments.

There will be plenty more concerts and sports games for us to support as a family, but today was the last of me having a little with me to join me on in-school stuff.

And he was (obviously) oh-so-thrilled about it.

I'm excited to get to volunteer more next year and to get to fully enjoy the presentations.

But I will miss having a sidekick with me."

And Happy 18th Anniversary on Saturday!

The Ethan Rice Family
We talked to Ethan, Cameo and Kaylee a bit on Sunday evening. Their garden boxes on the deck are doing very well. They have beautiful tomatoes and jalapenos on the deck, and amazing lettuce growing on the front porch. 

Last Tuesday, Kaylee had field day, which included races, a tug o war, and fun dancing.

Kaylee finished up Kindergarten on Friday. Cameo shared this:

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber worked for weeks and months, but finally got their home ready

It was listed for sale on Wednesday.

One of Kooper's last rides to school...

Morgan and Aimee's garden is doing very well and they are starting to enjoy their harvest.

Kayty had a good week at work. 

The Nathan Rice Family
On Sunday, we loaded the little girls riding toys from our front porch into our car and transported them to their new home. Dad also helped relocate some furniture to the garage since the sky looked dark and ominous. The girls and I played a little freeze tag in the back yard for a bit too. We are blessed with a lovely Sunday evening, with unusually cool weather. Their week was full of unpacking and cleaning. On Friday, they went out to dinner with a friend from college and the girls got to play here, eat some mac and cheese, blueberries and cherries, play with toys and watch a little bit of "The Little Mermaid". 

Dad's Garden
Monday, I picked 64 tomatoes and a ton of basil. Tuesday and Friday brought more tomatoes. Not enough to have a significant canning session, but lots of yummy salads for dad.

Other highlights
Monday was full of cool, gorgeous weather with bouts of thunder and sprinkles of rain. I cleaned out the hall closet, or more specifically the medicine shelves, tossing out expired over the counter meds and then heading to Costco to replace.

I cannot express enough how lovely the weather has been this week and this year! We have had a truly enjoyable Spring. Wednesday night, the smells of rain wafted in the windows throughout the night. We ended up getting quite a bit. 

Thursday with Nano took over four hours picking up prescriptions, getting a few things, and at the doctor's office.

So, this week I:
Cleaned out the medicine shelves in the hall closet and tossed out all the out of date medicines. I replaced them with new stuff from Costco and got boxes with labels to denote what is in each box. I also cleaned the linen/towel shelf, got rid of old sheets and curtains, and created a guest towel box with wash rags and towels only for guests, and created a pool towel box for those who forget.

I moved the kitchen table and cleaned really well under the table and scrubbed the walls and baseboards. I also cleaned off the refrigerator top, got rid of some out of date food, and cleaned counters and scrubbed the floors.

I dusted the whole living room really well. I put photos back on shelves and got the floor well vacuumed.

I rearranged the family room, with the help of a paper model Kayty made for me and moved the computer cabinet into the corner of the family room. I moved the floor lamp to right by the piano and plugged it into the switched plug so the living room has more light. (I have no place for my patriotic Christmas tree as of now, but I will deal with that trouble later.)

I scrubbed the bathrooms, including my shower floor, and tried to scrub the white grout in the bathroom (kids) with oxy clean and water. It didn't work well so I will try baking soda and vinegar next week. I did get the bathrooms all clean.

I cleaned my room and fixed up the stocking boxes, removing last years tallies and getting them ready for this year.

I got a letter off to my inmate sister.

Gardened, hauled bags out to the bulk trash pile, raked needles and leaves, got trash out and trash cans down the road. I also helped Dad remove one of the pups from the date palm and replant it. 

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