We are gettin' pretty close to our 30th wedding anniversary...this April 24th...marriage is not a destination, but an experience, and it has to change and grow. I have been complacent, at times, about things. It takes a lot out of you when you are worrying about one family out of state, one child in town making choices you don't understand, helping with the everyday needs of two widowed moms, getting a high schooler to and from, dealing with a child's chronic illness, making sure you don't neglect any, and trying desperately to get along on a lot less money. I found myself searching for answers, and reading about love languages. What a concept. I could figure mine out right away...but hubby...what a surprise! I just never ever thought! It made sense then, and, though my language is different, I have to make sure that I don't only show my love the way I like to be shown love!! Anyway, back to the point of all this...things were crazy Friday, and continued Saturday. My life just felt "out of sorts"...I was sad and depressed. I couldn't put my finger on what was bugging me...and then I came back from picking up...and found

My KITCHEN ISLAND was spotless! Oh, what peace! Sounds crazy to most, I know, but if I can have this island clean, I can think...and my sweetheart knew just what to do to make me happy. He had put away the groceries, cleaned up the dishes, put them away, and wiped it all down. He LOVES me! And then, today, as I was looking out my kitchen window, I saw these:

He was purchasing more stuff to finish our pizza oven one day, and found these bulbs on clearance. He first bought three, brought them home, and we planted them. I don't think he knew how much I love daffodils (Nate tonight asked what my favorite flower was, and when I said they were daffodils, hydrangeas, and sweet peas, he lost it...said it was not allowed to have more than one favorite...guess I messed with the "man code" again!) and he brought more home the other day, and I planted them. It has rained the last few days, and I can see more blossoms ready to burst into bloom. He LOVES me!
He does lots of wonderful things...he cuts wood for me-the stuff that needs to be cut on the table saw; I operate the scroll saw!-he is afraid I will cut myself (this coming from a guy who tried to cut his thumb off last year! He builds me a pizza oven so that I can bake bread in it! All because He LOVES me! So glad he figured out my love language...and it didn't even take a book for him to figure it out! Quite a guy!

He put a love note it a bottle when he was on a business trip in Guymas, Mexico...He had put a note in English, instructions for the finder in English and Spanish, and money for postage, etc...never got it, but it was so wonderful to think that I had a note to me floating somewhere in the ocean!
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