I was talking with some dear friends this morning...the best part of waiting is the wonderful people you meet and get to know! Anyway, we were talking about, of course, our kids, and their lessons, practices, hobbies, loves, etc. I was thinking about all the past years, the homework I have monitored, the stories I have listened to, the papers I have proofread (spelling freak am I), the dance recitals I have dressed kids for, the ball practices I drove to, the band concerts I have heard, the injuries I have transported to the doctor and urgent care, the songs I have listened to over and over on the flute and saxophone and french horn and trumpet and baritone and piano and banjo and guitar and voice, the games won, and lost, the birthday parties driven to, the study sessions, the cookies baked, the uniforms washed, the "lucky meals" that were purchased for-and cleaned up after, the jobs driven to, the caps and gowns, the running across a golf course to find the group so newspaper pics could be taken, the wrapping paper bought...and sold, the equipment located, the snacks made, the music purchased, the performances, the awful red dirt ground into the knees of the white pants that I had to try and get out, selling drinks in the snack shack, team mom, homeroom mom, the state fair cakes driven, the ornaments made, the car parts, the stereo parts, the loud music of ALL kinds, the trophies won, the hits made while I was sitting and covering my eyes-but faithful in the stands, the notes written, the awards, the tears wiped...all is just part of Mom...and all of it, the good, the fun, and the not so happy...would I trade any of it...NOT ON YOUR LIFE! I saw
this, and, though I haven't raised an Olympian, I have been blessed to be the mother of six VERY amazing, unique, individuals. And, whether they are recognized by the world, or not, to me, they are ALL gold medalists!
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