Great sale at Fry's...one of those "buy 10 and get $s off" things. With coupons, I got them for a buck a box...and then, when I was putting them in the container, some spilled out...and...I tasted one...and then two...and then four. Now, to justify, they are made of whole grain oats, they have the best chocolate flavor (possibly considered one of those flavenoid things) and they are sprayed with "cereal vitamin juice" letting them be considered somewhat healthy...Who in the world did this to my diet!!!
and you give us the information so we can eat them too?
although, to be honest, my nursing diet consists of eating whatever I want. But I may resent this info in a couple months when I'm no longer nursing twins...
Molly...nursing twins...You can eat whatever you want. I nursed all six of mine, and my boys were ALWAYS hungry...and I didn't give the greatest quality of milk... more 2 percent than gurnsey gold...and I had the darndest time losing weight! It took many years, and two hours of exercise a day, every day but Sunday, to be kinda thin.
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