Marriage advice from someone married almost 30 years who is learning every single day that there is so much to being married, and that you cannot sit and just "live" and hope to keep the feelings alive. There have been times that I have been less than twitterpated, and, of course, have felt it was ONLY his fault...not mine. I would pray that HE would see what HE needed to do to improve...Thankfully, a wise, loving, and very patient Heavenly Father answers my prayers...not in the way I would want, but the way I NEED...the answer: you are only in control of you! I can wish, I can get mad, I can complain...but, whatever does, or doesn't happen, I am in control only of I react, and how I act. Now, mind you, I don't always remember this...Again, my patient Heavenly Father has to remind me of this over...and over...and over... I now make sure I LOOK for the ways hubby shows me he loves me...and then I make sure I thank him for this. That happens over and over, if I just watch. He drains the tub, so I don't have to scrub soap scum. He makes sure his stuff is off my island counter when I come in on Thursday morning after I have an early, and long, wait for surplus produce. He folds his blanket and puts it at the end of the bed. He carries his laundry out to the washing machine. He has a "secret surprise" in my pizza oven concrete pour (hopefully, as I said on Facebook, he has not created my tomb! Hee Hee). I KNOW he loves me, when I look!
Now, how do I SHOW? What have I done. Now, as I said, I look for deeds done, and for gratitude shown, as my way of feeling loved. Hubby, on the other hand, is a more "direct affection" kinda guy. So, foot rubs to wake him up. Hugs when he walks in the door. (I tend to be focusing on serving him: i.e. dinner on the table, etc. and then when he wants hug, and I am cooking, I tend to forget....remember, Suzzy, you show service as your love, but he needs a hug and a kiss) So, I am challenging myself...two loves before he leaves in the morning, and two before we eat dinner! Now, how do you SHOW you love him???
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