Tuesday, January 4, 2011

For Christmas...

I am pretty hard to surprise!

I pay the bills...

I watch the budget...

I watch EVERYTHING!!! (At least, I THOUGHT I did!)

But this guy...


What I thought couldn't be done...


With THIS!

It sat in a box...in the garage...for who knows how long...

I leave, every morning (except Sunday) to run...

Right through that very garage...

I come back, every morning (except Sunday) from running...

Through that very garage...

NEVER EVER seeing...

I have already made 11 pizza doughs with it...

This week...my bread!

I can't wait!

Before, he could do little wrong...

Now, he can do NO wrong!

I sure do LOVE him!


CB said...

What a neat surprise - and how simply wonderful To BE surprised like that!!!
He's a keeper!!

whitesilkpurse said...

What a fun gift! Go Doran!!

Where did you get your "I belong" button with the temple spires?

The Willeyes said...

The biggest surprise, the most thoughtful...what you always wanted. Sounds perfect :)

Grammy Suzzy said...

Yep, Melanie...he sure is!!!

the W* family said...

What a fun surprise! I'm so happy for you!