Sunday, May 2, 2021

Week of April 25 - May 1, 2021


Many more people were in attendance at Sacrament Meeting as we prepare to return to more typical hours next week. It is amazing to see toddlers that were tiny babies the last time we saw them...and to see people we have not seen in more than a year. 

Temple remains open for limited us but we are not permitted to attend yet. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 6176 records and reviewed 47015 records so far this year. 

The Wilkins Family
Our weekly Marco Polo started with a tour of their yard. Boy have they done some amazing work and it is looking so lovely! Their flower bed is so pretty. Mike also built a planter around their oak tree in the front yard, filled it with soil, and flowers are growing there. They are going to rent a blower to get the leaves and yard stuff all contained. Allison started back to regular temple work, now that the temple is open for baptismal ordinances. Josh has an awesome stunt kite and I got to see him fly it on MarcoPolo. Everyone is busy and well. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Cameo did get a dinner out to celebrate their wedding anniversary.

Ethan flew again to Pennsylvania and had to stay through the weekend. Cameo kept things going well at home. Here is a pic of their fun fishing adventure last weekend. 

 And Wade got signed up for preschool

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber and family are good. They had a typical busy week and spent Friday night Magnet fishing. (not fishing for fish but for treasures tossed or lost in the water.) He ended up with a knife blade. 

No news from Morgan this week. 

Kayty had a good work week. She put together and installed a new shelf in her room for her stuffed animals. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan has been busily working at work and rebuilding the car at night. He is making good progress. Jessica and the girls were kept busy with soccer practices, playing in the yard and with the new water table. They visited to see how the chicks were doing on Wednesday. We attended Anna's final soccer game for the season. I ended up being a chair...for two sweet granddaughters and a friend. 

Afterward, she had a soccer doughnut party at a park. They later came by and Nathan got the rest of our poor dead pine tree cut down

and then they swam.  

Dad's Garden
The newer gardens are ready to get ripened tomatoes all over the vines. Our citrus trees are filled with tiny fruit. Dad worked to get lots of the Winter garden hauled away. 

Family History

Another one of the letters from my dad. Second page is first. 

Other highlights
Chicks are doing well and loving all the bugs they find here.

With Dad burning up a week of vacation, we cut down part of the pine tree, hauled limbs and trash to the bulk trash pile, worked on securing the chickens better since we lost one, canned 15 jars of tomatoes and made two crockpots full of pear/apple sauce, worked on the yard, reorganized the pantry, and then just sat. I wish his boss would let him just take a few days here and there rather than forcing the entire week. 

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