Sunday, May 23, 2021

Week of May 16 - 22, 2021


Dad attended stake priesthood meeting very early on Sunday morning. He also spoke with a high councilman in the Mountain Ridge Ward while I attended Sacrament Meeting in our ward. 

Temple remains open for limited us but we are not permitted to attend yet. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. I completed my second time through General Conference talks and began my third time through. 

I have indexed 7041 records and reviewed 53223 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins had another crazy busy week. On Monday, Adam returned to school four days a week. Tuesday, Allison completed all her dental work and is now in perfect shape. Josh had soccer practice. He also used his tortoise sitting income to purchase a pogo stick. Wednesday, Josh and Sam had school. Allison's work at the temple was full of duties...very hot ones at that. Thursday, Josh had another soccer practice. Allison had the kids out of school earlier and they met at the temple for their appointment for proxy baptism and confirmation work. Adam was able to perform the baptismal ordinances. Josh had a dentla appointment. Adam got some free Krispy Kreme donuts for being a 2021 graduate. Friday was the start of Youth Conference. Adam and Grace attended Friday, Grace attended Saturday and came home with a pretty nasty sunburn. Saturday was a pretty important day as Adam started working at Cowabunga Bay. He enjoyed it and got to grill burgers, make orange chicken and tacos.  Josh had a great noon soccer game. Grace also got to attend a youth conference dance. 

Sneak Peak: No more Braces for Gracie!

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cameo and the kids are doing well. Work keeps both adults very busy and Kaylee is nearing school being over. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber had a busy week at work and Kelsie continued remote learning. Kooper ended up with a sore throat and was sent home on Thursday and will spend the rest of the school year remote. This Covid protocol that calls out nearly everything a kid complains of as reason for sending home is crazy, but I was glad I was available and could go down and pick him up. He was all healed on Friday and enjoying an early Summer beginning. A pediatrician in our ward read the Covid protocols when the kids out here returned to school and deemed the standard for pulling kids from school ridiculous. I KNOW I would have had four boys with sore throats if they felt they could get out of school early. And since the Az Dept of Education has deemed that no one can fail this year, I am sure others have figured the same thing out. 

Morgan is doing well. 

Kayty had a good week with work and spent Friday preparing for her zoo overnight adventure on Saturday night. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica had a good week. The girls stayed with me while Jessica had her first doctors appointment on Monday. All is well and there is one healthy baby. Nathan hauled stuff on the trailer, cut down a ward member's mulberry tree, and did lots of work in the garden. The girls were here to play on Saturday also.

Dad's Garden
Tomates are doing well. He is also getting zucchini and yellow squash. 

Family History
We are having printer and scanner issues. More to come when we figure it out. 

Other highlights
Canning occurred over three days. I canned 10 pints of applesauce and 15 quarts of tomatoes. 

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