Sunday, August 11, 2019

Week of August August 4 - 10, 2019


We had a good day at church with many strong experienced testimonies born and great Sunday School class. Dad was called to be the Stake Sunday School Secretary and released as the Deacon's Quorum Advisor.

I attended a session at the temple on Thursday morning. Dad attended on Wednesday and Thursday evenings and then went on Saturday to perform baptismal ordinances.

I completed my fourth time through listening to General Conference and started my fifth time through. I continue to read the Book of Mormon daily and also am reading the August Ensign Magazine.

I have indexed 15263 records and reviewed 35,572 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
From Allison's Blog


Cub Scout Day Camp 2019

Josh was able to attend Cub Scout Day Camp this past week and had the best time. He got to climb rock walls, shoot BB guns and arrows, make crafts, play Gaga ball and 9-square in the air.

The last night was "family night." Mike, Sam and Adam went and enjoyed a barbecue and lots of fun activities.

He worked sooo hard selling Camp Cards to earn enough money to go. We are so happy he had such a fun week!

And later, the kids started school on Wednesday. Here is what she shared:

7, 2019

First Day Part 1

Grace, Josh and Sam started school today! Grace is in 8th, Josh in 4th and Sam is in Kindergarten.

Sam never went to an official preschool. Just a few classes at the rec center and working at home with me. He and I are "cuddle bugs" and he is the biggest Mama's boy (besides Josh) that I've ever known.

I was expecting sadness and tears, but he did great and loved it.

Here's to an awesome school year!

The Ethan Rice Family
This week was a good one for this family. School is going well and the routines are returning.

Kaylee started dancing lessons this week.

 I was able to FaceTime and see Kaylee riding her bicycle in her neighborhood without training wheels. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber, Kelsie and Kooper had a good week. School started on Monday and they are adjusting to new school, new people and new teachers.

They relocated to a new place for their trailer home on Friday night. There was difficulty getting electric hooked up so the kids spent Friday night with us. Saturday was full of moving, setting up, laundry at our house, fixing their new set up, and then a swim at our house before heading home to bed.

This was a good week. Their garden is doing well and they enjoyed their first tomatoes.

They are great chefs when it comes to veggies...

Happy Birthday, Morgan on Thursday. He had a very good day.

Kayty took off work Monday and Tuesday to use up some vacation time. On Tuesday she headed up to Northern Arizona and enjoy cook weather.

Since she could get into the Grand Canyon for seven days after paying for her entrance, she headed back up on Saturday and ended up hiking down the canyon...which was easy, and then hiking back out, which was hard. She said she went down a mile or so. She was sick by the end but boy, what an accomplishment!

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica and the girls came by on Sunday night for a visit. We were able to kick the soccer ball in the molten heat for a few moments, and then play in the playroom. On Tuesday, I watched the older girls while Emma had her two-month check-up. She is doing well and growing like a weed. They had a scare on Friday afternoon, so Dad and I went over with Anna and Emma

while they ran Ellie to the emergency room. She has done well and we are so grateful. 

Dad's Garden
Dad covered the ripening dates on his date palm. It's hot here but he had managed to keep most of his date palm transplants alive. 

Christmas in July
My painting is complete for 2019 as of Friday night. I still am letting things totally dry before I wrap them up next week. Now, back to working on Emma's Grammy Stocking.

Other highlights
Nice morning rains this week. Some mornings were under 90 degrees to jog in.

Dad had numerous job interviews with Collins Aerospace. He is flying out to San Diego next week for an interview.

Saturday, we spent time cleaning some stuff out of the shed in back. Dad raked up lots of mesquite beans and we bagged them up and got them to the bulk trash pile. 

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