Sunday, August 2, 2020

Week of July 26 - August 1, 2020


Sunday was much better this week. I guess it was a blessing that we had no internet last week, because now, with still no church meetings, it was such a blessing to listen to "Music and The Spoken Word" and to learn from two talks, one a BYU devotional and one from General Conference in 2018, both by Elder Bednar. They were two very good talks and I was so thankful to be able to listen. We had our late morning/early afternoon Sacrament Meeting, once Kayty woke up. Dad and I both individually studied our Come Follow Me outline for the week and I watched some Book of Mormon videos. 

The Wilkins Family
Wilkins Family is doing well and busy. The house is nearly all painted and new fan replace favorite light fixtures. Doors are being installed in a few places and the house is nearly ready to put on the market. Mike is in week 2 of Conversion. Allison still is working as long as she can at the temple. Looked forward to a busy week of Dermatologist appointments and physical therapy for his knee. Grace had a fun trip planned for mall shopping with some friends. Joshua is still quite bothered by the elimination from the menu of his Taco Bell Frito Burrito. Sam looked adorable in his red sweatshirt for school. He used Dad's phone and some new headphones to walk around and listen to music with that phone in the sweatshirt pocket. Allison has been preparing with school supplies for online school to begin in a few weeks. She is getting them into the swing of things by offering practical lessons such as "How to properly open a cereal box". They are all well and surviving a less than ideal summer. Thank goodness Lake Mead is nearby and they had a fun trip there this week as well. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Last weekend, Ethan and family had a glorious trip to Savannah, Georgia area and had a fun time on the beach. 

They had such a wonderful time!!!

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber, Kelsie and Kooper enjoyed a lovely Cafe Rio dinner made totally by Nathan and Jessica on Saturday night. Amber is DYING for an Instapot now. They had a good week. Doran survived the hottest week yet here and still got work done both at home and at his job. Saturday, they came to visit and ended up enjoying swimming with Nathan's family. 

Morgan stopped by for a visit this week. He was ready to start back to work after a few days off with a stomach bug. 

Kayty had a good work week. She even had a couple of days with on two hours off two hours. It's not as much fun when you are stuck in your bedroom though. It seems to last forever. She enjoyed a hockey game on Saturday on television...a rare occasion since all sports have been cancelled. There was no one in the audience and all but players were masked but she had lots of good yelling time. 

Two saves this week. 

The Nathan Rice Family
We had a fun visit from Nathan, Jessica, Anna, Ellie, and Emma on Sunday. They were just going to put their feet in the pool, but that ended up being an epic fail. 

Nathan continues to work from home. It is working out and the girls are not part of too many meetings. They have been working on increasing their preparedness and have gotten good deals on black beans and storage barrels. They still enjoy their new kittens. 

Dad's Garden
Basil is still doing well. We lost our wonderful tangerine tree after many years of service and good fruit. Not sure what caused it's death though. Dad went early to a friend's house and got filled bags of compost from her horses and goats and put them in the garden to prepare for later. He also got seeds to plant in the Fall. Our seasons are so different here, and by the time you need seeds, others have gotten rid of them. When they are planting, our gardens are done. 

Other highlights
Another furlough week and very hot weather with days all above 110 degrees and a couple 119's and 118's made for a rough and very boring week. 

Two days of work and getting lots of phone help from those who know, but we did finally get a new radiator installed in the jeep, new spark plugs, and a few new fuses. It works well.

Christmas in July included watching Elf and cutting out, sanding and beginning work on the final pieces of the three-year nativity scene project for the kids. After all the cutting and sanding were completed, I vacuumed and cleaned up all the benches outside. Done!

Dad got a lot cleaned out in the woodworking area on the back porch. He cleaned out wood and has it ready for Doran and Nathan to take on a camping trip next weekend if they need firewood. 

Dad's records are finally all sold and gone. We were blessed to sell them and they are now in the hands of others who own shops and sell them. 

I did speak with Nano on the phone this week but she was mostly concerned with her money and I assured her all is safe. I continue to pay bills and make sure prescriptions get ordered and delivered. 

We enjoyed visits from Julie and Mike B, Angie Day, Karleah Lee (all from the ward), and Jeanette Perkins. 

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