Monday, December 21, 2020

Week of December 13-19, 2020


We had a wonderful Sacrament Meeting again this week, though they have taken all our hymn books away again. Sunday was good. 

Temples remain closed for work for the dead. I last attended and completed work for my ancestors on March 12, 2020. 

I continue studies of the Book of Mormon, Come Follow Me, and listening to General Conference talks, at least one daily. Plus, on my Scripture Plus phone app, they have had a Christmas Advent devotional daily with a scripture and music from various artists including the Tabernacle Choir and a video that goes with it. My days start out with a great and firm foundation. 

I have indexed 19,473 records and reviewed 126,801 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
Allison spent Sunday night putting some beautiful ribbon on her Christmas packages. Their gifts are Want, Need, Wear and Read, and then Santa brings a stocking and a gift for each. Nevada has had a three-week quarantine pause so church-attending has been limited and confusing. Stuart the Elf brought elf cereal and dyed the milk pink. On Friday, they went to Bass Pro Shop because Sam really wanted to see Santa, so they had an appointment and got a photo. Interesting with everyone in masks except Sam. They had a good time and enjoyed walking around and seeing things. Sam so enjoyed seeing the aquarium! On Saturday, they had a ward party, with a drive-by meal pick up, jump out and see Santa, and got a bag of candy. Sadly there was not enough food for more than two people in it. They did have a wonderful Sunday dinner of pot roast and vegetables. Allison had a work party and won a crockpot in their white elephant gift exchange. She also got given an air fryer from a friend. She works Monday, Wednesday and Friday next week. She is planning a January Youth bonfire to help the girls set goals with speakers and smores. Mike continues working and is blessed with extra hours. Allison shared a piano solo of Adam's on Instagram. It was absolutely beautiful!! Allison made a finals bag for Adam for the upcoming week with pencils and sweets and earplugs. Praying he has a good week and does well. Allison picked up his Senior shirt and yard sign. His school mascot is a pigeon and the yard sign has a pigeon on it. I think it's quite cute! He continues to work out each week and is really enjoying lifting. Senior photos are next week so haircut is in store for Monday. Grace goes to school tomorrow to check in classes, and then is done. No finals for her! Hooray!! Allison made her a relaxation bag with a face mask, soft socks, and awesome things to get a rest from finals. Off for the next three weeks. She might get to help at a daycare building graham cracker gingerbread houses. Josh and Sam still had a cough last week so they could not attend school. His work is all caught up for the last week of school. He has an upcoming project for his gifted program with he is researching. Josh had a soccer game on Saturday and made a goal! He will have three practices next week and the season will be over after the last game. Sam was curled up sound asleep as Allison Marco Polo-ed me. The tooth fairy did visit on Saturday night. She left him some sugar-free gum and some money and he was thrilled! All work is completed and he has a review week next week. Sam is having pajama day on Thursday this week and a book exchange with his classmates. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Happy Birthday, Ethan on Sunday!

Kaylee school week began great, dressing like Mrs. Claus

And all in plaid
But on Wednesday, they went all virtual, so she enjoyed pajama home

On Friday, she was able to join her friend, Madeline for her virtual class party. 

The Doran Rice Family
Happy Birthday, Amber on Friday! Doran, Amber, Kelsie and Kooper had a good week, with virtual school and work. Doran also made a very neat looking composite knife handle.

No news from Morgan this week. 

Kayty worked two days and used up more vacation time sleeping. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica, Anna, Ellie and Emma had a good week. They came by Monday night with some treats Nathan was baking. They were awesome! They had a fun and busy week. Nathan spent his entire Saturday serving his brother in law with a block wall clean up and helping someone in his ward move, which entailed lots of driving and even packing. Jessica was great to give up their only vehicle on Saturday for this endeavor. 

Dad's Garden
The Garden is doing well and Dad has many plants nearly ready to plant. Tomatoes outdoors already have blossoms and we are still getting beets and greens, basil, radishes, turnips, etc. 

Other highlights
Baked all week long! Tons of cookies. I had planned on giving out the old recipes, but I found some were not that easy to next year I am going to use some more updated recipes. Then I will share. 

Dad's car broke...again. This time: harmonic ballencer disintigrated. New truck search proved way more costly than others had said. So we are sharing my vehicle and deciding what to do. 

Got the news Wednesday night from President Day that my inmate Debbie Neumann was released and that the prison has been returning all the letters I have sent. I mailed a card for Christmas to her Wednesday morning. Oh, well...hope the best for her. My last inmate, Jessica, has not responded to any letters either. Covid has been hard on so many things, but the prison branch has been very affected. So sad. 

Shooting stars on my runs were the icing on the cake of my running with Christmas lights everywhere. 

Visited Nano on Wednesday morning. I took her and her friends there some Christmas cookies and tried to get some cards for Nano sent out. She had no memory of her brother, cousin, or sister. I am going to compose a letter to them and send it. She is in good health otherwise but seems always grouchy. 

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