Sunday, January 30, 2022

Week of January 23 - 29, 2022

Sunday was very good. We got a new bishop and counselors on Sunday and they will most certainly be wonderful for our ward. My primary class was a bit wild, and all the preparations I made didn't work out so well. Oh, well, I'll keep trying. 

We were able to get appointments to attend the temple this week. I attended on Tuesday morning and Dad attended on Thursday night. I was able to complete cousin Patty Sullivan's temple work for her. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 3028 records and reviewed 7009 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins gas line was finally repaired this week and they now are literally cooking with gas! So glad the slow inspector decided to move a bit faster. Grace got good news this Thursday that those wisdom teeth should stay in for another year. What a relief! All is going as normal with workers busy working and students busy studenting. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan traveled to Pennsylvania this week and spent his week very very cold! Cameo worked from home and kept the kids going and happy. Wade is doing much better. On Friday, Kaylee was celebrating reading at her school by dressing up as a vocabulary word.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran has been very busy both working and then enjoying his new plasma cutter. Here is a recent creation. 

All the family is well and busy with school, work and life. 

Morgan had a busy work week. Busy is good in his line of work. 

Kayty completed more overtime work and did a lot of cleaning out of her room. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Another interesting week for the Nathan Rice family. Jessica finally got her tooth pulled after waiting weeks and weeks but it gave her some trouble so she had to really take it easy. Plus, on top of that, she was given the "gift" of a nasty fever to contend with. Isn't it great when kids bring home such fun stuff from school!! Nathan has been working twelve-hour days and holding down the fort when Jessica needs to rest. Anna and Ellie started piano lessons with Aunt Kayty this week and did well. Ellie ended up struggling with a fever on Tuesday and Friday. We saw the girls a bit on Saturday evening and had fun playing in the playroom. 

Dad's Garden
Dads citrus remains plentiful and we picked a cabbage from the garden that provided Monday's dinner as well as meals all week. Oregano is going crazy and we need to start dehydrating. I was able to get some basil for one meal this week too, though basil is not a fan of cold weather. We also are enjoying the abundance of sugar snap peas. 

Family History
More slides from Nano

Croquet was big when I was little. I only remember croquet or badminton in our backyard. 

My dad, William Allan Kew, and me in a fancy pool.

Holding me is my Nano, my great grandmother Irma Zelia Wolf, and her daughter, Tutu's older sister, Frances. 

A family picnic that included my dad's sister, my aunt Muriel Kew, and my dad, William Allan Kew.

Western Day was quite the event! When I attended school, it was the only day we could wear pants. We usually attended the Rodeo Parade. 

Other highlights
We emptied part of the pool this week and refilled, hoping with some new water in there, some of the saltiness of the water would dissipate. 

Good dental check-up for me...until I heard the news there is yet another tooth with infection at the root. Yes, another root canal in my near future. 

Dad continues to try to get the jeep running in good shape, though that is a long process. 

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