Sunday, March 6, 2022

Week of February 27 - March 5, 2022

We had a wonderful Sacrament Meeting as we heard a dear young woman in our ward who was kind enough to take many of our baptismal ordinances to the temple for us, speak as she prepares to serve a mission. Sydney hears using cochlear implants and thought she would be called to an ASL mission, but she will serve an English-speaking mission in Washington. A new primary presidency was called after the last one served for years, and class went well. 

Dad was able to get an appointment to attend the temple this week on Thursday evening. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 7977 records and reviewed 17,456 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family continues to be very busy and are doing well. Grace passed her test and has her driving learners permit and is the only soul I have even known that was truly honest in those height/weight questions. Such a good young woman! All are enjoying work and school.

The Ethan Rice Family
Lots of fun dress ups at school this week as Dr. Suess was celebrated. Wade and his friend joined in the fun at preschool.

Ethan and Cameo attended a party to celebrate some friends' birthdays on Friday evening and took lovely cupcakes. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber and family are adjusting to new work schedules and are doing good. Backaches seem to have subsided a bit. Doran, Kooper and Dad did a little target shooting on Saturday while Amber rested and Kelsie baked cupcakes here. 

Morgan is doing well and is busy working.

Kayty had a very good week at work that included 8 hours of overtime. She took a trip Saturday to Mesa to pick up an item she purchased. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica, and the girls had a busy week that included dental appointments, return to on-site work, extra projects, parent-teacher conferences, a Dr. Suess parade, and field day. 

Dad's Garden
Dad worked through the week adding a footing for a block raised bed garden. We ate sugar snap peas, lettuce, tomatoes and picked and juiced lots of citrus. 

Family History
More of Nano's slides

This is at Encanto Park Kiddie Land

My dad loved badminton and liked to put up the net in the yard. I never could figure it out. 

Other highlights
Dad had taken the week off to get things done while it was still cool outside. He signed up and then un-signed up for social security and medicare. That took forever! He got his new driver's license, got teaching paperwork caught up, and worked in the yard and garden. His first weekly covid test came back negative and was submitted on time so he doesn't get fired. He was called by another company to work, but since they are a subcontract company of Honeywell, everyone must be vaccinated without exception so he had to decline. 

I got to take a quick Target run while Dad was at the temple but the dollar spot was nearly empty. 

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