Sunday, June 23, 2024

Week of June 16 - June 22, 2024

Sunday was good at church. The children sang well, we welcomed and enjoyed hearing from a recently returned missionary who had served in Mongolia, and learned of another young sister in our ward who will be leaving to serve in the Georgia Atlanta Spanish Speaking mission. Primary went well and the kids liked the lesson and might have learned something. 

Dee was able to attend the temple this week on Thursday evening. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 34,707 records and reviewed 14,951 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
Allison Marco Polo'd me on Monday night. They had a busy couple of weeks! Its the summer time and all the medical, dental and eye check ups are going on. Josh will need five baby teeth pulled and he will have the same chain treatment that Ethan and Doran had to pull teeth down that are growing sideways. Grace is readying to register for her next year of college. She and Josh are also prepping for FSY next week. Adam has a job interview coming up and is looking forward to getting back to work. He had a great birthday and enjoyed milkshakes for his treat. Mike wanted a pretty low key Father's Day so they had Cafe Rio homemade and refrigerator cheesecake. They have been enjoying friday mornings at the temple. Allison has completed all her required testing and passed them well. She now waits to hear the paramaters of her student teaching. 

The Ethan Rice Family
This family enjoyed a great father's Day weekend of camping and fishing. Weather was very warm for them and so they enjoyed their travel trailer air conditioning. Summer is going well. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber and the kids are doing well and having a great summer. Kooper got to help Mom at work over the weekend. 

Morgan talked with Dad on Sunday. He continues to work temp jobs while Cassie works on housekeeping where they are staying. Her Dad has offered to help them with a new home if they will move out to Iowa near him. 

Kayty had a good week at work. 

The Nathan Rice Family
This was a get back to normal week after weeks away. They are all doing well. 

Dad's Garden
We struggle still with roof rats who have now eaten two entire basil plants. Citrus are doing well. We have worked very hard to keep plenty of water and cool spaces available for the chickens and they are surviving the heat so far. 

Other highlights
Happy Fathers Day to Dad and to all my sons and son in law on Sunday. Dad had a great day! Dad enjoyed calls, texts, Marco Polos and his gifts. He ate his favorites and Kate took care of all the chickens. 

Dad traveled to South Bend Indiana for work on Monday 

and returned very very late Tuesday. 

I visited with Mom and paid her fees on Tuesday morning. She wasn't as happy as usual but everyone is entitled to have a not so good day.

Worked on the trees in the front yard since its bulk trash week/month. We trimmed the Palo Brea in the front yard and the big mesquite. I worked on Thursday trimming the Palo Brea in the back yard on Thursday. It was 111 degrees at the time but it was in the shade so it was okay. 

Air Conditioning began acting up again so we are looking for a new one. 

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