Saturday, August 25, 2018

Week of August 19 - 25, 2018


We had a great Sunday at church. Meetings were full of inspiring talks. I learned about Hezekiah's tunnel in Sunday School. We had a great Relief Society lesson as well. I attended choir practice also on Sunday.

Scouts for me went well and we accomplished all we set out to do: flag care, folding, and flag ceremony practice. Dad's scouts planned for a weekend campout that he couldn't attend.

Dad attended a session at the temple on Thursday night.

I am in Alma 13 in the Book of Mormon.

I have indexed 13653 records and reviewed 32964 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
This family had a busy week full of school, preschool, scouts, activity days, and work. We received a sweet letter in the mail from Sam on Saturday night.

The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo was very sick this week: fever, chills, body aches...the works! Kaylee had a good week at school as did Wade. Ethan was in three states in one day as he flew from Georgia to North Carolina, drove to South Carolina, returned to the airport in North Carolina and back to Georgia. Work is going well and he is waiting for news about a new position he interviewed for. No move West for this one but still a better opportunity and challenge.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran is feeling a little better, day by day. Amber and Doran had good work weeks. Kelsie had some troubles with a very mean girl at school this week, and the school administration is dealing with the problem.

Morgan is enjoying his job, but still interviewed for a better position at a company that creates prosthetic devices.

Kayty's work week went well, and she spent evenings watching television.

The Nathan Rice Family
This family surprised us on Sunday with a special visit! We knew they planned on coming, but were not sure when they were leaving for Phoenix. Dad called and they said they were still in Idaho...and then we heard a tiny knock at the door and there they were! They filled up our playroom air mattresses and we had a great time, playing outdoors, swimming, playing with toys, trying new vegetable recipes. Jessica was instrumental in helping her parents on their major home remodel, and Nathan helped with demolition as well. They searched for a job as well as an area they might like to live in.

Dad's Garden
Tomato seed fail! It's just too hot at times, so he is thinking about starting his own seeds indoors. 

Other highlights
Woke up Tuesday to a very warm jog, during which far away lightening kept the skies beautiful. Then, after returning home, I noticed the sky darkened...heard some thunder, and we were blessed with some rain as well.

We celebrated Ellie's first birthday on Saturday.

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