Saturday, November 17, 2018

Week of November 11-17, 2018


Sunday was a good day. We had good meetings and lessons at church. I had Cub Scout Committee meeting on Sunday, and then went to choir practice later.

I did initiatory work at the temple on Tuesday (I am up so much at night that I knew I would fall asleep in a session) and Dad attended a session on Thursday night.

Dad's scouts was a stake music activity so he didn't attend. My cub scouts was again difficult. I am going to keep having Dad come through December, but if it's still a constant struggle, I am going to see if one boy can move up to the older den since he is done with his Wolf Badge and is almost old enough.

I am in Alma 1 in my Book of Mormon reading. I am trying to complete to the point I was when President Nelson asked the sisters to read it. I get a lot of reading done when I go to rescue Kayty. I give her a few swallows of Sprite and then sit there to see if it works...usually 10-15 minutes. If she is still low, I get her to drink another couple of swallows and sit again. It's a good time to pull out my phone and read the Book of Mormon.

I have indexed 19011 records and reviewed 60091 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins family is doing well. Car troubles have been repaired and now they have two vehicles on the road nearly all the time. Grace is still singing and practicing at school. She had a Young Women in Excellence program at church this week where she gave a talk and received a special Young Women's necklace. Adam stood up for the First Amendment at school this week. Josh is doing well. Sam is absolutely loving swimming lessons and has learned to float on his back this week.

The Ethan Rice Family
Another busy week for Ethan and Cameo. Cameo shared Kaylee's Turkey Disguise project for school...

We also saw the one her friend created.

Ethan had to travel to Kennesaw for a couple of days, which meant leaving an hour and a half early to arrive there at 8 am. Cameo got Kaylee to school on those days. Friday was a big Turkey celebration, with lunches at Wade's school

and Kaylee's school.

The kids have created such adorable decorations at school this year, and Wade loves the turkey on the wall with his face on it as well as the handprint turkeys. I got to facetime with them on Friday, and Wade was zooming over the house and doing wheelies on his bike. Kaylee had Daddy paint her nails sparkly orange.

Ethan and Cameo went out on Saturday night for sushi.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber and family are doing well. Doran is having nerve trouble in his hand, however...mechanic hand/carpel tunnel. Dad substituted at Kelsie's school and took her home, sharing some Jack in the Box on the way there.

Dad and I volunteered to help at her school's Fall Festival on Saturday. We spent over an hour in the sixth grade booth monitoring ping pong balls being tossed into cups filled with little prizes.

Afterward, we spent time watching the kids in a bounce house Ninja activity. Kelsie tried very hard, and Kooper never gave up either.

Morgan worked hard all week on various projects

and prepared to go fishing on Saturday.

Kayty is working hard hoping to get hired permanently. She printed pages and created a procedures resource notebook on her own. She had a small space heater she was using but someone nixed that so she is looking for an electric blanket. She is working on special ornaments for her One Direction Tree.

It was another week of difficult diabetes control. She went into seizure twice Monday morning (saved her once, and then an hour later saved her again), caught her before she went into a seizure and gave her Sprite on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica had a very challenging week. Ellie fell on Sunday, requiring a trip to urgent care. On the way home, their van started smoking and then stopped, so someone picked them up and a tow truck brought the van home Monday. Nathan had his huge six-hour engineering exam on Monday, and then he set out on his bicycle to get tools and parts to try to repair the van. Timing belt, water pump, some kind of was a totally difficult effort with many lows and a few highs, and he mixed in homework and study. He did well on a Physics exam on Thursday and is doing his best to endure the snow and cold (he tried to tell me sunshine was falling from the sunshine freezes your doors shut!) The girls tried to be "helpful" too this week... from Jessica on November 13th...

"I could not wait for my kids to go to bed tonight. They found powdered hot chocolate mix and spread it all over the clean kitchen floor. Not to mention their complete dedication to play with everything that was dangerous or breakable, so long as it was not one of their actual toys. Ask for something every time I tried to eat or sit. Or wait till I wasn’t looking to get into mischief. I love those little people. I also really love bedtime. #mommyneedsatimeout#🎶gotosleepyoulittlecreeps🎶#ilovethemanyway"

Nathan ended the week with both their cars repaired and running. Score!

Dad's Garden
The garden continues to grow. We still have one rabbit in the yard, but he eludes capture. A hawk scared our chickens on Wednesday as two tried to swoop in and take out a hen. 

Other highlights
Friends from the ward came on Monday and on Tuesday to see the village

Nano shopping went much better this week. She had to get a shot at her doctor, and then to Walmart and the bank. She had a lot more energy and I wasn't so concerned she would fall.

We went and visited with Uncle Loyd during his dinner this week. He is doing pretty well and the place he is staying in is very, very nice. 

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