Sunday, June 21, 2020

Week of June 14 - 20, 2020


We had a very enjoyable Sunday that included our traditional Tabernacle Choir Broadcast and two talks by Apostles on BYU tv. We spent time studying Come Follow Me and then Grandma came for a visit. After we partook of the Sacrament, we continued reading and dad contacted some of his Ministering families on the phone. 

I continue listening to a General Conference Talk every morning and studying in the Book of Mormon after jogging. 

I have indexed 10490 records and reviewed 50809 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family is doing well while constantly adjusting to new situations. Michael continues to work for Amazon, complete his studies, and apply for jobs. Allison returned to working at the temple at night this week too. Adam is slowly getting better. He had a rough initial recovery, especially dealing with pain meds. It was better when the outer bandages could be removed and ice could be more directly applied. 

He did finally feel like celebrating his birthday with a delicious Texas Sheet Cake. 

Grace was so excited to get signed up for classes at high school. They finally contacted a friend who helped get her in touch with those who could help. She picked some great classes. It was odd though, since she wanted to sign up for French class but that language was not offered. 

Josh has been enjoying hikes with Dad. He practices his piano and loves to go to the park and earn money for Beefy Fritos Burritos from Taco Bell. 

Sam caught 20 pokemon last week. He also likes to do Pokemon Yoga and demonstrated the Lizard Charmander Pose. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Cameo had a busy and good week at work, and I enjoyed visiting with Kaylee for a bit on Friday afternoon. They are busy as ever. Kaylee said it was hot outside so they try to stay indoors as much as they can. They are looking forward to a fun Independence Day camping trip.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber had a good work week. Rooms have been switched and Kelsie is busy decorating her new room. Painting in Amber's new office is delayed till water damage from a rain is repaired. Doran worked some long hot days this week but work is good. We enjoyed a fun visit from them Saturday morning. 

Morgan has been busy working on auto repair jobs. He is doing well and had a brief fishing trip last weekend. 

Kayty is well and doing well at work. She continues to watch movies and tv series during work. No news on a return day. 

The Nathan Rice Family
We enjoyed a visit on Monday night while Dad and Nathan looked at a tool on Offer Up. The rest of us had a fun time in the playroom. They also came over Thursday morning for a swim. 

Dad's Garden
Final tomatoes were picked this week. The final total was 702 tomatoes. I also picked a lot of basil that became pesto. 

Other highlights
My walks and jogs were full of unusual events this week: seven gunshots in rapid sequence by a 22 caliber gun sent me onto the next street and back home Monday, two strange young men on a walk Tuesday sent me in reverse on Tuesday, and some strange cars stopping behind me scared me to death on Thursday. Hopefully, it's just kids bored with Summer already. 

I talked to Nano and her caregiver, Elizabeth, a few times this week. Mom continues to have pain problems in her back and they did Xrays as well as urine tests to see if they could discover the problem. 

Dad emptied his music room more and has been selling his old vinyl albums and 45's. 

Made 5 recipes of pesto on Thursday that will become 15 meals. 

Maricopa County decided to require mask-wearing at all times while in public on Friday. I was opposed to this decision. They are not effective in preventing virus transmission and are terribly uncomfortable and restricting in this heat. I wrote to our city leaders as well as the governor last week. I have learned through all this that you do all that you can do, and then you let go of what you can do nothing about. 

Baked five loaves of bread on Saturday and they came out very well.

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