Saturday, June 13, 2020

Week of June 7 - 13, 2020


We had another typical Sunday, though this is the first Fast Sunday without ward testimonies bein audio shared. We had a quiet morning of Music and the Spoken Word, two wonderful BYU devotional talks, and our own study of the scriptures Come Follow Me, and talks from our church leaders. A few phone calls, a visit with Nathan, Jessica, and the girls (including some kite flying and playing outdoors on a rare cool June evening), and Marco Polos with the Wilkins Family ended our day. 

No temple again this week. I was able to attend a Zoom Relief Society Presentation on Thursday evening. Five sisters spoke and gave some pretty good talks. I'm thankful for the inspiration to select all these sisters because I am sure each of the 31 of us participating were strengthened by one message or another. 

I continue daily General Conference talk listening, and began my fourth time through this week. I also enjoy my Come Follow Me Book of Mormon studies as well as my studies on my own. 

I have indexed 10119 records and reviewed 50143 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins week went well, until Adam got injured on his skateboard. Allison has a good week ahead as she gets to return to working in the temple in Las Vegas. Entrance for patrons is extremely limited (I miss being in the temple so much!) but she will have the opportunity to be there and feel that amazing Spirit. I enjoyed walking with the family as they updated the week. Grace got her braces adjusted with lilac and green rubber bands. She and Josh are great runners and took me and the phone camera on a nauseating, but thankfully short jog. Adam found out on Monday that part of his 17th birthday celebration on Tuesday would include knee surgery. 

Later that evening, Allison shared:
Surgery is done and he is home. There was more damage than anticipated (large piece of femur chipped off, meniscus tear) but his amazing ortho surgeon took care of it. Recovery was rough. Really rough. He was in a lot of pain and had extreme anxiety even after multiple doses of drugs. They were about to send him to the ER because of the amount of pain he was in, but the anesthesiologist was able to administer a nerve block which made him feel much better. 😀 He is pretty exhausted so we are going to have a birthday re-do in a few days. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes!

Later in the week, Allison shared pics of a new front door resident at the Wilkins

A hummingbird is minding a nest right by their front door and window.

The Ethan Rice Family
It was a busy week for this family. They added a new family member last weekend...

New to them. Their Tacoma was getting such poor gas mileage when pulling their travel trailer that they decided to try something new. 

Kaylee had an exciting visit...from the tooth fairy!

They tested out their new vehicle by traveling to Chattanooga State Park for a fun family trip. 

The Doran Rice Family
Both Doran and Amber had a great work week. They have been doing some room switching in hopes of giving Amber a quiet office to work from. Kids had a good week too. I neglected to share Kooper's birthday party attire last week. He is ready for anything.

Morgan came by for a visit on Saturday afternoon. He borrowed the canoe for an upcoming trip. 
He is doing well. 

Kayty had a good work week. She has been giving instructions as to what she will have to have to return to work. They will give her two weeks warning. She forced us to watch Lord of the Rings 1 and 2 for hours and hours. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica had a good week. We enjoyed a couple of visits and playing with the girls...

We played Friday night while they had a date night. We enjoyed ice cream cones and some fresh orange juice. 

Dad's Garden
I still get tomatoes every few days. I used the little cherry tomatoes to put on a salad I took when we delivered dinner to a family in our ward whose father had brain surgery last week. They are nice because it's easier for kids to pick out cherry tomatoes! I also made two batches of pesto, which put six packages in the freezer for future meals. 

Tomato count: 663

Other highlights
We celebrated Grandma's Birthday on Monday night by having her come and enjoy a meal of Mexican Cheese Casserole, Layered Bean Dip, Homemade Salsa, salad, and her favorite BlueBell ice cream.

Dad also found out on Monday during a meeting with a supplier that the next layoff will be at the end of June. We are pondering whether to volunteer this time or at the end of September. Our stock had nearly returned to pre quarantine levels, but lost quite a bit again this week. We are trying to find out about insurance.

Dad did a lot of work repairing the ductwork in our house this week. He is putting styrofoam insulation on the actual air handler too. 

We had to figure a way to replace the car battery that had died in my jeep last week. WalMart was not open in the automotive center. We tried to contact the manager and corporate. Dad ended up just returning it to customer service. 

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