Saturday, August 21, 2021

Week of August 15-21, 2021


We had a good Sacrament Meeting. Dad attended a ward conference in another ward in our stake. Primary would have gone well, except another teacher decided to combine classes and took most of the time for his part of the lesson. It's okay. We had a quiet typical Sunday with studying Come Follow Me 
I was able to attend the temple on Tuesday Morning.  

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day.  I completed my fifth time through General Conference talks on Sunday and began the sixth time on Monday. 

I have indexed 12,133 records and reviewed 78,316 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins family is doing well as they work, go to school, and prepare to get their home up for sale. They have selected a realtor and now only need to clean the carpet. Their cars are holding their own. Adam is done working at Cowabunga Bay and began work at an Auto Lube shop this week. Grace had a good week at school! She enjoyed starting on time and going to seminary and school. She also joined the tennis team and got her uniform and had her first game. She is loving singing in Madrigals!! She also is performing baptismal ordinances in the temple this week. She is again serving on the Stake Youth Committee for another year. Josh got back to school, and aside from a few adjustments, is doing well. He loves playing dodgeball there. They have all adjusted to the driveline situation too. Josh will begin soccer practice this week. Sam was on time for school every day last week. He loves school, including the computer classes and making paper airplanes. His favorite books are "Henry and Mudge". He is busy planning a fantastic birthday party for his friend Pegasis this Saturday. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cameo, Kaylee and Wade struggled through the week with sickness but by the end they were starting to feel better. Not much else going on but keeping hydrated and doing what work could be done. Saturday was a good day and they are feeling more like normal. Wade can return to preschool Monday and Kaylee can return to school Tuesday. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran had his bicep repaired on Thursday. He is doing well and everyone is adjusting to Dad being home full time. We visited on Saturday afternoon and brought them some chili burro fixings. Amber has a lot of illness in her office so she is running things single handedly. Doran is doing well at home...singlehanded as it is. Kelsie is liking school and Kooper shared all his rocks with Papa. 

Morgan had a good work week and purchased tires and installed a hitch on our old jetski trailer and he is using it this weekend to take Crissy on a fishing and camping trip for her birthday. 

Kayty had a good week and got some overtime hours in too. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and family took an amazing cake to Doran on Sunday and then brought us a very large piece. Delicious every time! He had a scary situation as a driver hit him on his bicycle. All seemed to be all right but he was sure mad and a bit sore. Annie enjoyed school this week, and Ellie and Emma are becoming excellent partners in crime. Friday was full of family fevers. They ended up going up on the Mogollon Rim on Saturday for some fresh air. 

Dad's Garden
With all the lovely rain, everything is growing...including tons of weeds. Dad walks around numerous times a  day and digs up weeds. 

Other highlights
On my Monday morning jog, I saw something in a driveway out of the corner of my eye. It was a full-grown owl, sitting/standing right there. He was camera shy and flew off. During the week, I was entertained by two groups of howling coyotes as I was out. The weather was much cooler than normal and very wonderful!

We were able to hike Thunderbird Park a couple of times while the weather was still cool and Dad and I made it to the top! The way down was treacherous since it was very dark and we had no light. 

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