Sunday, August 1, 2021

Week of July 25-31, 2021


We enjoyed attending Sacrament Meeting and Primary this week. Dad helped out in another primary class. 

All temple sessions were full so I could not get an appointment for endowment ordinances this week but Dad was able to attend on Wednesday. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day.   

I have indexed 10,978 records and reviewed 72,533 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins family is well and Marco Polo-d me as they were making the yummiest looking jalapeno poppers! They cook them in the air fryer and they came out wonderful!! They had a rough Saturday. The power went out...only in their house. It was brutally hot, so they spent the day at the air-conditioned church building. An electrician friend came over who discovered the electric company was not sending enough power to their home. So they are on what I call electric power box bypass. Car is also having more troubles that they have diagnosed and need to repair so the car can be registered and inspected. On a good note, they got some discount tickets to a trampoline park and had a great time jumping there for 90 minutes and then had some yummy shaved ice. Butter Beer flavor was popular. They finished another Harry Potter Book and then watched the movie, which according to Sam was so creepy! They also enjoyed the park and the library. School starts in two weeks so prep is underway. She has also contacted NAU about their Master's Degree Program. I even saw Adam, which is rare these days with this busy guy. He did like camp except his phone was misplaced on the second day, but was so thankful to locate it in his things when he returned home. He has applied for a job as an auto tech/lube tech. Grace gave a camp report talk at church and gave a good talk. Grace is so excited and was asked to be in Madrigal Choir at school so she meets next Thursday at the school and they are discussing a potential trip to Disneyland. She went to the orthodontist last week and now only wears the retainer at night. Josh also gave a camp report talk also. Sam introduced me to his stuffed friend, Pegasus, who has had three birthdays already this year. Short life span. She is kind of sassy but accompanies the Wilkins everywhere they go. She has quite the birthday gift list as well. Sam showed me his new backpack for school. It is awesome!! It has Pikachu and lots of other Pokemon characters on it, plus a water bottle, a pokemon ice pack, and a lunch box. They plan to go early morning bowling, to Cowabunga Bay, and make moon sand for their final activities of Summer.

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan was finally able to spend a week home and not in Pennsylvania and the family enjoyed it so much!! Grandma Liza came out to visit and the kids have enjoyed having her there. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber and the kids had a busy week. Dad was able to help out by taking Kelsie and Kooper to the orthodontist while he was between suppliers in the area. Friday was full of dental appointments that Amber took the day off work for. They are doing well. 

Morgan continues to work his regular position at work and gets extra work on the weekends. He and Cassie got a new boat they can take fishing and did so on Friday night, though a storm sent them home early. 

Kayty took three vacation days this week which she used to reorganize her room. She worked from home Friday. She works on site normally Monday through Wednesday and then Thursday and Friday from home, when she takes a home fake virus test and has it picked up and tested to see if she can work on site the next week. Total silliness. Here are some pictures from the ballgame she attended a few weeks ago.

This week, the Cubs traded off most of her favorite players to other teams. Sports is crazy!

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica and the girls had a good week! Ellie struggled with a small tummy bug but she recovered in 24 hours. Annie had Meet the Teacher night on Wednesday and had a fun time while Ellie and Emma came here to play. Thursday was a very big day: the big ultrasound! And, the new baby is A Girl! We are so excited!! Nathan got some topsoil on sale to work into his garden. They also made a huge batch of delicious cherry jam.

Dad's Garden
Dad also got some topsoil to work into his garden. The rain has helped the basil come back and the oregano is even surviving the Summer. 

Other highlights
I had my final dental appointment to fill the root canal and fix a couple of spots on Monday. Since there was no pain involved, no novocaine was needed. Those shots are the worst so I was thankful! 

A produce company here offers cash and carry sales for produce. This week, they offered a case of cherries for $5, plus avocados and peaches by the case. We got a case of cherries that became a yummy snack plus 24 quarts of cherries in a light syrup which we canned on Saturday. I also went through cases of grapes and got them washed and stemmed and then out in the sun to dry into raisins. I picked some of that new basil and made pesto that ended up in dinner Friday as well as four batches frozen for future meals. Dad made lots of guacamole from those avocados which we ate and freeze-dried. 

Dad had his mid-year work review...and it was the worst he has ever gotten in his 42 years at Honeywell. He was told the excessive vacation days he took (he has taken 11 days this whole year) have hurt his suppliers. Dad works extra with his suppliers before he takes time off to prepare, leaves information with those filling in in case an emergency comes up (which rarely happens) and then works extra when he gets back. So this was totally untrue. He was faulted for companies not producing good parts, which he has no control of. He inspects parts. He is not in charge of production and while he would love to work with the supplier to help them improve processes, he is not permitted by his boss to do so. He was upset, but then as we pondered, we realized that one coworker may have been feeding the boss false information. (This is reminiscent of what Mike went through with a coworker that led to his losing his job) Dad doesn't have that much time left to work, and why work in such a toxic place. Dad NEVER can get time off work. He never misses, has done extra on Saturdays. One other coworker quit two weeks ago. Dad has already spoken with someone from another company who wants him to be their Quality Manager and he is going to talk to HR about retirement from Honeywell this week. He can then work at another company for the years he desires to. While he still aches from the false accusations, the Lord has often had to kick us hard to get us to make a change. 

Monsoon raindrops fell late Friday and early Saturday. I got to put on my hat and rain jacket and run in that lovely rain. Such a blessing!!!

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