Sunday, August 13, 2023

Week of August 6 - August 12, 2023

We had a very somber but spiritual Fast and Testimony Meeting. Last month, a young couple in our ward unexpectedly lost their twin baby boys, about three months premature. Then Friday, the adult daughter of a member of our stake presidency went hiking where Dad often hikes, and, while the circumstances are somewhat unclear, she did not return home and was found dead. They were here for the baptism of her son, so what an extra tragedy for this family. The testimonies, mostly from the men and young men of the ward, were so faith-promoting and inspiring. Primary was a bit more crazy than normal this week. 

Dad attended a session at the temple on Friday evening. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study, and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 12,146 records and reviewed 18,722 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
Adam is enjoying his theater job at Sam's Town Theater. Grace loved Girls Camp and awaits the beginning of school and Seminary this week. She's happy she got the best seminary teachers of them all. Joshua has elective classes and didn't get in a PE class, so Allison had lots of phone calls but got him into a class. Sam loves school and has already participated in the daily announcements.

Allison is enjoying working with her new class now and Michael is a long-term sub in PE at another school. Hurray Mike!

Allison completed the 75 Hard Challenge this week!! She had to endure 118-degree walks and a/c that didn't work well, but she powered through and did it. Congratulations!!! And, in addition to that accomplishment, she completed her math class for her Master's Degree. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cameo, and the kids are doing well and school is going great. Wade started LaCrosse practice this week and is having so much fun. Kaylee also started softball practice later in the week. They planned to spend some time Saturday night enjoying the Perseid Meteor shower. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran continues training in his new job but seems to really like it. Amber is doing great as well. The kids are adjusting to new schedules and times. Kooper loves playing soccer as well as Activity Days at church. They have some fun adventures coming up next week. 

Happy Birthday, Morgan, on Tuesday. Morgan and Cassie continue helping her friend clean up the house and backyard for her friend. 

Kayty had a busy and good work week. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Annie is enjoying some time texting and she is trying to teach her Grammy about emojis...with little success. Ellie finally lost her dangling front tooth and is very happy. The family is all doing well and is enjoying doing things with their new friends and neighbors. 

Dad's Garden
Dad has been busy preparing garden beds for the next planting. All our bins of saved compost have been turned into the gardens, and every Thursday evening, we travel to a neighbor's green waste garbage can and shovel horse manure into it for our garden. Basil is still doing okay. Our citrus trees are struggling with the extended heat, though the temperatures are more typical now. 
Other highlights
The second insurance company now says we have to replace our whole roof or we will not be able to get homeowners insurance after October with them. So we are now proceeding to get bids from companies. The first company came Friday morning. It is a much different circumstance to get a roof from a company rather than a storm chaser, as we have had to do in the past. We are just praying we will choose the one who will be responsible and do good work. We have companies coming next Tuesday and Wednesday mornings as well. The first bid was over $25,000. 

Dad's car a/c had a bearing go out, so he will now need to replace it. Unfortunately, the bearing alone is not available, so he will need to replace the entire compressor. 

Our a/c problems have been solved. Ken came by again, got in the attic, and did some magic so now the fan does not run all the time. Good news. 

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