Thursday, April 24, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Well, 28 years ago, at 9:28 A.M., my sweetheart and I were sealed for time and for all eternity in the Mesa Arizona Temple. As Allison shared with me what the sealer spoke about during her sister in law - Kelli's - wedding, that day is the most important day of your life...for ever. We have experienced many things over these last 28 years, and I appreciated that shared counsel from Allison. Yes, it is the most important day of all of your life. It has been full of highs and lows, and a lot of hard work. I have not felt a great success yet at either wifehood, nor motherhood. I have done my very best, though, and I strive each day to do better, and to try to mend the damage that I have done. I am so thankful for a sweet, patient and forgiving husband, and for children that have grown and overcome my lacking areas to make themselves the wonderful people that they have grown up to be.

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