Sunday, February 24, 2019

Week of February 17 - 23, 2019


Sunday was good and we listened to stake speakers in Sacrament Meeting. I sat with Ellie as she tried out nursery for the first time. She watched and held her own, but never cracked a smile until Daddy came. I studied the next Come Follow Me lesson as I ate my lunch and then had a good choir practice.

I went to the temple Tuesday morning and performed sealing ordinances. It was a lovely opportunity to help unite daughters to their parents for eternity. Dad attended a Thursday evening session.

Scouts was hectic as usual, and Dad came to help since my co-leader couldnt be there. He then went and attended a Bishops Youth Discussion with his young men.

I am still reading the Book of Mormon and listening to a General Conference talk every morning.

I have indexed 4629 records and reviewed 4919 records so far this year. (My goal is 5000 each so nearly accomplished that.)


The Wilkins Family
Kayty enjoyed her weekend with the Wilkins.

 Poor Josh took a bad jump out of their tree in the fron yard, and they were checking to see if it was broken.
Yes, broken metatarsals.

Then it was a snowy week in Las Vegas!!

Adam even had a snow day from school on Friday!

The Ethan Rice Family

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber purchased a new house on Sunday.
It was a good week, though Doran experencied a snowy work day in Scottsdale on Thursday 

and with our Snowmageddon as the news referred to it as, they headed to Flagstaff area on Friday to play. 


Some images from Kayty's drive home from Vegas.

She has become hooked on a new movie, and so we watched it with her on Monday evening, and Tuesday, she listened to the soundtrack while Marie Kondoing her room. Deseret Industries is going to double its profits this month.

She is loving her permanent full time job! 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan's vision improved day by day all week, so it was decided he could forego the follow up ophthamologist visit on Friday. Jessica finally got in for her first OB appointment on Wednesday and her big ultrasound on Thursday. Baby Girl Rice is doing well and awaiting her name. 

Dad's Garden
Another week of freezing weather! I went out on Friday and picked a ton of snow peas and tomatoes until I could no longer feel my hands due to the cold. 

Other highlights
Oh, what a true Winter it has been! Usually, there is a night or two of near freezing weather in late December. Not so with this year, and the 30's is not unusual even in February. Dad patiently waits to put his plants in the ground to replace the ones already frozen, and my jogs with layers and layers of hoodies, head gear, and mittens still remain nearly a norm. I am thankful the Summer heat is delayed, but the cold is an unusual situation. I even had to run the heater on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday : a never before for us! Snow is huge in Arizona, Flagstaff getting over 40 inches in one day, and we received nearly two inches of rain. 

Dad took a trip Tuesday to Tucson for a potential supplier evaluation. Here are some pictures

Nathan gave me the can rotating system he had made, and I spent time all week labeling and cleaning out the pantry.

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