Saturday, June 11, 2022

Week of June 5-11, 2022

Sunday was a very good Fast and Testimony Sunday. Many testimonies were shared about the temple. It is such a blessing that we can have a temple so near our home. 

No temple attendance this week. I had to get Dad ready for his trip and he was out of state. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. I completed another time of listening to General Conference and began again. 

I have indexed 26,172 records and reviewed 56,247 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
Happy Birthday Adam on June 9th. Adam has been so busy working that they will celebrate with him next week. They did manage to get some yummy lunch to him at work. 

The Wilkins family is busy and doing well. Mike and Allison continue to do well at their jobs. Adam passed his certification test and is now a Senior Technician. Grace loves working at Cowabunga Bay and is busy with friends and church activities. Joshua and Sam are enjoying their summer break. The week was full of dental and doctor checkups. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan traveled for work this week to Indiana. Cameo did her best to work and hold down the fort while being very ill. The kids were a great help though. Kaylee is quite the cook, preparing grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch and a chicken pot pie for dinner. 

Cameo shared the kids' end-of-school pics.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber and family continue to get through challenges. Doran and Amber both had busy work weeks. Kooper spent a few days at Nathan and Jessicas. He really enjoyed going to the library. 

No news from Morgan.

Kayty had a good work week and quiet evenings. She went to see the final Jurassic Park movie on Saturday night. 

One major and one minor save this week. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan is finally able to take his family leave for Eve's birth. He spent the week working in the yard and cleaning out things. He continues to pour a reinforcement wall in the back of his yard. The girls are enjoying the fun things Jessica plans for Summer. 

Dad's Garden
Too hot! Dead!!

Family History
Nano's slides continue

This was my Dad's friend from work, Carl Wright. I called him Uncle Carl. He was very kind and I was even a part of his wedding when I was older. 

Other highlights
Dad left Tuesday and spent a few days in Sioux Falls South Dakota. The trip there was a bit crazy, with a delay of over an hour to take off while they found a pilot and a two-hour wait for a reserved rental car. He did get to hunt for rocks and enjoy cooler weather. The supplier was located a couple of hours away, so he was able to enjoy the drive and the visit. Great supplier! He was taken to lunch and out to see the Missouri River too. 

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