Monday, April 25, 2011

Drop By And Dye (and Make Rocket Fly and Fly)

Egg dying has always been a part of our Easter celebration. I remember Allison coloring eggs with sponge rollers in her hair, ready for Easter morning. We used to leave the boxes out for a "hare-y" visitor, and the kids would search early Sunday morning before church.

Since my kiddos are bigger, and MUCH busier, we now have "Drop By and Dye". The table is set up, I have a dozen eggs for each person all boiled and ready (they can bring more of their own, if they desire) and they can come whenever. This year, almost everyone the same we ate and dyed.

Dad started the pizza oven when Ethan and Cam said they were hungry for pizza (we don't need much of an excuse to start that oven, but it takes 3 hours of adding logs to the fire to make it just perfect). I made a layered bean dip for a snack, and so we ate dip and pizza before we dove in and dyed.

 Ethan was my hero this grumbling (that I heard)...grabbed his box, dumped an egg into each of 12 cups within 10 seconds, visited a few minutes, got them all out, and had THE required photo taken...and he was free.

The women were very serious in their creations.

The boys were great dyers...

Ethan grabbed a fresh chicken egg for this pic...I swear I have a picture of him, when he was maybe three or four, with this EXACT smile!

Once they were finished, the boys took the opportunity to test out some yard sale finds: model rockets.

Ethan was "mission control"...performed the countdown ... far away...

Mom: expert photographer - got the moment of ignition.


If you see this, watch out!
Kayty missed the mass and dyed hers, with Mommy...

She dyed and watched Beauty And The Beast

Dad missed the fun too...he dyed his egg on Easter morning.

Thank you ALL for humoring your ol' mom and making it so much fun!

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