Sunday, March 8, 2015

Week of March 2 - 9, 2015

Monday - Today was a rainy day. I love rain, but Kaylee does not! It did kind of go with my theme for the day: "The Cat In The Hat". After all, they were stuck inside on a cold cold wet day. With both Kaylee and I coughing, we did not venture out in the cold and wet.

We did have a Cat in the Hat fruit hat for breakfast with her yogurt.

We did make a Cat in the Hat.

We read parts of The Cat in the Hat

We did a Cat in the Hat puzzle.

We played with play dough to make stripes on a Cat in the Hat...hat. I had red out. She wanted blue. So I grabbed cold play dough out of the drawer in the fridge.
She squeezed some orange juice with Papa.

We had a good day, and a good nap. And when she woke up, she wanted something to eat...until she looked out the window and saw sunshine...and then we were out the door in two seconds flat!

Dee got a lot of things located, primed and painted for his truck.

Cameo came and I spent the evening running errands, cleaning, vacuuming, scrubbing the bathroom, and indexing 20 names.

Tuesday - Woke up and exercised again. No run for me...still! We are going on Week 3 of this lovely cough.

It was "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" Day. I read some of the book.

She had fish French toast for breakfast. (I didn't know what to make Dad for breakfast, and decided French toast would be good...Kaylee's got the blessing of a fish cookie cutter).

We made a fish picture from cupcake papers.

I tried to get her to sort the multi colored fish crackers into colors in fish bowls...she thought I was nuts.

The first thing we did, though, was take the new sand toys Daddy had got her and took them out to that heavenly wet sand! I think I built 45 castles...but they didn't last long.

We played and colored and pretended and ate goldfish mac and cheese for lunch.

Dee had many meetings throughout the day. He went out and picked up my 40 pounds of Zaycon chicken breast that I ordered months ago.

Kaylee napped and I embroidered, cooked dinner, and snuggled with her. She woke up and we were out the door feeding chickens. Ethan came later and we played in the sand some more before they went home.

Dee worked on ordering parts, painting parts, picked up the income tax, and worked locating his truck stuff.

After Ethan and Kaylee left, I spent the next hours cutting and packaging and labeling and wrapping up chicken. Why do I do this???

Vacuuming, dishes, cleaning up and indexing 20 more names ended my day.

Wednesday - Good but windy morning, and no run due to cough, but I got some exercising done. Dee was up and fed and out the door to meetings.

It was Green Eggs and Ham day. We tried to read...but she didn't listen to more than a few pages. She had green eggs and ham for breakfast...

And promptly said "No, Thank you".

She did  a dot picture of green eggs and we played a counting game with green eggs and pom poms. She had a great library day. The letter was "B" and they read her favorite "Brown Bear". She got a hand stamp of a buzzing bee that she was very proud of.

Dee got his windshield ordered and spoke with someone about acquiring parts. He has decided to try and fabricate some on his own. His work day was busy and he enjoyed the progress teams are making.

Kaylee and I played outdoors after a good nap, in the sand, on the swing, in the garden, with the chickens. Mommy came and they went home. Morgan arrived just as they left for a visit. He ate some and worked with dad on some motor thing for the truck.

Thursday - I woke up and checked on Kayty on my way out to the couch. It was about 3 am. She was really sweaty, but said she was fine. I went out to lay down...and it bugged me...and bugged I went in again. She was eating Tootsie Rolls, insisting she was fine. I finally got her to let me do a glucose test...45! She was low but able to talk and eat, so I tested her again in about 10 minutes...up to 54...and another 5 minutes later, she was at 82. I went out and attempted to sleep. I tried and tried...and only fell asleep after I decided to forego morning exercise and sleep in. I woke at 6:10, did laundry, got Dee up, got the trash cans back to the house, got the mail, made breakfast for Dee, and vacuumed.

Dee had meetings galore today, both away and at home. He tried to get some grit blasting done at the end of the day, but the sand was too wet and kept clogging the blaster up. He did get his headlights all assembled and ready.

Kaylee came...and was just a bit on the grumpy side. I think Thursday is her hardest day. We made a Fox In Socks puppet, drove cars on an "S" road, painted an "S", decorated some socks with markers and stickers, and played with doggone near every toy in the playroom. She was NOT giving a moment of interest to the book "Fox In Socks" but "Brown Bear" was the favorite again! We drove over to feed the goat, but he was locked up in a pen, so we came home.

We played outside in the sand, worked on a nap for a long time, and rested. She just had barely woke up when Ethan arrived. They played and then went home to take Lexi on a walk.

I cleaned up dinner, Dee worked outdoors, and then he got ready for the temple while I vacuumed the house and spot mopped the floor.

Friday - I completed the Old Testament this morning. One fourth of my scripture goal done!

Kaylee and I spent LOTS of time outdoors today. We ate grapes at the little tables on the front porch and then explored the front yard, looking for rabbits. We only found some noisy quail.

Morgan and his friend and her daughter came by in the afternoon. Kaylee loved the visitors...and played and played outdoors and indoors. She played so much that there was no time for a nap.

Dad accomplished a lot, both at work and on his truck. Lots of grit blasting and some painting.

Morgan mowed the lawn, hauled heavy bags of sand and sifted other sand.

Dinner was not cooked since I had no time, so Subway shared veggie sub was our dinner.

Saturday - Highlights of this day:

Jogged for the first time in weeks. I coughed and had to rest, and walked home the last of the three miles.

Scored some great books at a yard sale.

Got the leaky honey mess all cleaned up in the pantry!

Dad, Ethan, Morgan and Kyle, Morgan's friend, got the truck engine on the frame, got the body of the truck over all the stuff. and then it wouldn't fit. Some pulley is hitting, so they took all that stuff off and Dad has to ask a guy what to do to get it all to fit.

I played with Kaylee while Ethan helped Dad.

We to the temple in the afternoon and performed some sealing ordinance work. I only coughed a little...progress!

Dad got lots of parts grit blasted.

We went to Doran and Ambers to visit. We played with Kelsie, chased Kooper, and had a good time.

Sunday - Highlights ... and Lowlights...

Nice to sleep in. Our clocks don't change, so today doesn't change our lives, except that now the Wilkins are on the same time we are, and Nathan and Jessica are an hour ahead.

I got a good start on the New Testament today, reading nearly half of Matthew. 

We had choir practice before church, and that was awesome. There is a sister in our choir who doesn't sing the correct notes, and is often just enough off the right note to mess up the ones next to her. She stood on my right side, which is my ear that seems to have some hearing it worked great..for me at least!

Dad worked with Sharynn on the phone trying to find more of his family names to do work for at the temple. (I have PLENTY of work to do, between mine family and his family!)

Nate called and they decided to move back here for a little while in April. They will stay with her parents and go to school online. Insurance works out better that way. Their prayers have been answered.

Lowlight- "Baby", the sweetest little hen EVER was not alive this morning. She had been acting poorly the last few days. We hoped she would get better, but she did not. This little hen was so sweet. Anyone could pet her....especially Kaylee. If there are sweet pets in heaven, "Baby" surely is there.

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