Monday, March 30, 2009

So Very Sad

Dee just got a phone call at work...his dear friend, Gregg Ellicksen, died suddenly of a heart attack this morning. Gregg has been his friend since high school. They worked together at Bill Johnson's Big Apple. He was in our wedding. He would ALWAYS send us a Christmas card. He would stop in and visit all the time. They built cars together. Our kids always referred to him as the guy with the neat race car! When he moved to Tucson, with his dear Joyce, he would stay in touch and still visit. He was there for our kids' weddings, even though he really didn't know them that well, and it was quite a distance to drive. He emailed us all of the time. Dee was his best man when he married Joyce...(I got to be the deejay for the ceremony!) He was just what you call a true blue friend. He didn't care what our religion, what our politics, or anything. He just wanted to be a friend, and a good friend he was. We will truly miss him!

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